Captain Crossdresser!
It’s good to look back now and then and see what’s going on with things we’ve reported about. In December of 2008 we featured Captain Crossdresser on TGF. It’s a cartoon about a regular family man who feels pretty when he crossdresses. He tells his psychiatrist that there’s nothing like the thrill of the wind up your skirt. (While that’s meant as a laugh line it’s so true, ain’t it girls?) Captain Crossdresser was voiced by Fred Willard and his wife, unknown to us at the time, was voiced by Jane Lynch who is best known for her current role on Glee. Carl Reiner is in there as the psychiatrist and there are other people you may recognize. The full length cartoon is around nine minutes. When it first ran on the site broke it up into chapters. Now it’s available on another video site called and we present it here for your viewing pleasure. (Click the image below and a new window will take you to
Category: Transgender Fun & Entertainment