Camping While Trans*
Hello from the woods
Hi all, Cate here reporting from the woods in Palahatchie, Mississippi. My bride and I recently retired from our jobs after toiling in the fields for forty-plus years. We immediately set out on a three-month, whirlwind tour of the southern United States. We are seeing amazing sights, breath-taking vistas and gorgeous countryside. Most of my working life I only traveled at 40,000 feet over the country and did very little sightseeing. We are changing all of that. The open road is our path and our camper is our home. My darling is Hawaiian, so seeing this part of the world is all new to her, too. We are loving every moment.
All the work of the past ten years
Since coming out and transitioning over the past ten years, I like to think I made over myself into a girly-girl and not the rugged outdoors type. I love all things feminine. Heels, pearls, makeup and a steady stream of dress shops have been some of the tools I’ve used to assist in making the outward appearance look and present as I feel inside. I’m very happy with the results.
Now I’m living in the woods
What a major change. After 40 years as a software developer, here I am with no WIFI connection and my phone has one tiny bar. We had to drive thirty minutes one way today, just so we could go to another county as the one we are in is dry (No alcohol sales). The county we were in before this was also dry. The things you have to do for a glass of Cabernet. We eat outside and smell like wood smoke. Mix the smoke smell with bug spray, and sunblock, and perspiration and I’m indescribable. On my dresser at home is a bottle of Chanel No. 5. Oh, the simple pleasures.
Flannel instead of linen
I got hooked on linen clothing after seeing it on Pinterest. The flowing dresses and skirts, draping and asymmetrical cuts all appeal to my sense of style. Alas, here I am 500 miles away from my closet wearing a sweatshirt, jeans and hiking shoes. In anticipation of cooler weather we’ve been shopping for flannel. I picked up a new pair of muck boots from the local farm implement and goods store. Something very stylish in black rubber. They are good for slopping through the mud setting up camp.
My dilemma
Does a statement necklace go with a quilted vest? Are pearls appropriate for sitting around the campfire singing songs and making S’mores? What do you drink with squirrel, red or white? There are so many new things I need to learn about living in the woods.
Loving life
My darling wife and I always wanted to see the country, and this is our chance. We have a renewed lease on life and are loving every minute and every new experience. I look forward to getting to know many more of our sisters and brothers across the country. I want to hear their struggles, triumphs, goals, dreams and desires. So get ready. We’re coming to a campground near your. See you soon!
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Category: Transgender Body & Soul, Transgender Fun & Entertainment