Border Crossing Dressed En Femme
At one time I was an active member of the local crossdressing association called Expressions. They would hold what was called Pub Nights once a month. They permitted members to attend in drab, the main purpose for this was to encourage new crossdressers to come out and discover what the club was all about. As a new member I took advantage of this privilege two or three times. On one occasion I had driven to my local railway station and travelled into town by train. During the meeting I had a conversation with one of the members and discovered that he lived not far from me and we got to know something about each other. Ultimately he offered to drive me to the railway station where my car was parked. I think his motive was to talk to me some more and discover what he could about me.This was Monday evening. Saturday morning he called me and told me to be dressed en-femme by 6:30 p.m., as he, and a couple of his friends were going to pick me up and take me to dinner. I agreed to be ready but asked them to park across the bottom of my drive to limit what my neighbors might see as I walked up the drive.
Sure enough, they turned up right on time, so I crept out of the house and got in their car. Fortunately for me it was dark and the street lights were not to bright so I overcame the first hurdle. The restaurant was about 10 miles away and throughout the journey I thought every one we passed was staring at me. The meal was nice and the conversation extremely interesting.
I suffered the same minor trauma going home as I had going out. A couple of drinks made it a little easier. As it turned out all four of us became good friends, the instigator became probably my best friend. As a matter of interest Gail and I are hosting one of the protagonists next week.
This event was a major breakthrough for me. If at any time I was going out and I needed to dress en-femme, I never again went out dressed in drab. As time passed, I gained more confidence so that now, it doesn’t bother me to go out dressed in public at all. Restaurants, shopping malls, box stores, female clothing stores, and plain old window shopping.That’s not to say I don’t practice some caution. Some times one gets made, but so far I have never been involved in an incident of any kind.
Probably one of the most interesting things happed to me one was one day when I crossed the U.S./Canada border for the first time. Gail and I and a friend of hers made a visit to Rochester, New York, we were going to a party. It was a limited access event, but Gail’s friend knew someone who knew someone, so we got an invite. I spent the whole weekend dressed en-femme.We crossed over to the U.S. at Niagara Falls. I was quite nervous as I had no idea how the U.S. immigration officer would react to me. My passport picture was of course clearly Paul, and obviously I was wearing a wig and makeup so I didn’t know what he would say.He checked the passports of Gail and her friend and then got to mine. Looked at me and asked, “Is that your hair”? I said “No it’s a wig”. He said ” It looks very nice. If you grow your hair you will need to change your passport photo”. I was quite flattered.
Returning to Canada the Canadian immigration officer did not demonstrate the same degree of courtesy. I have made this crossing several times since then, also without incident.
Category: crossdressing