A Man in a Dress?
A man in a dress? Not me. When I decide to get dolled up, it’s a ritual that requires an investment of much time and care — not just in the moment either. Lots of advance preparations — I get a monthly full-body professional waxing, regular mani-pedis (always red nails). Workouts at least 4 times a week — squats, weights and yoga to keep my bum firm, round and girly. And then there is the extensive collection of attire.
Looking back, I’ve invested $1000s into heels, breast-forms, wigs, jewelry, stockings, corsets, lingerie, and sexy blouses, skirts and gowns. Not to mention consumables like foundation, contouring, concealer, mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadow, lipstick, false eyelashes, nail polish, and perfume.
Maybe I’m an obsessive, but it doesn’t matter to me if I’m going to just try on some new clothing and take pics, if I have a date with an admirer out on the town, or at home with the lights turned low. . . I need to be all in or not at all.
Getting dolled up requires a minimum of 2 hours of preparation to put on the arsenal of garments and supplies I listed. And then, at the other end of the ritual, there is the work of makeup removal, makeup brush cleaning, packing up the clothing, wigs, and heels. And setting aside the clothing that needs to be laundered — lipstick and foundation always seem to make their mark — no matter how careful you are.
Is it worth all this effort and energy? All this trouble? Well for me, the end result justifies the effort. I’ve brought my inner woman out in the open and set her free — just for a few hours, or for the whole day or evening. I feel dazzling. Sexy. I feel like the real me. It’s not a trouble — it’s a gift I give myself. And to quote an old TV commercial — I’m worth it!
So gentle readers, share with me — how do you feel when you allow yourself the time and effort to be the real you?
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Category: crossdressing