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Winter Dressing Tips

| Feb 23, 2015
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patternDearest Readers,

Hello from the Frozen Wasteland! And since we are all freezing our well-toned buttocks out here, my thoughts turn to the paradox of Cold, and how to look good in it. Of course, the best way is to put on a lightweight traveling suit and get the flock outta here! Barring that, as most of us have jobs and families, pets and genteel poverty, let’s try not to look like ten pounds of shite in a five pound bag. Here are some stylish winter dressing tips.

A snazzy coat! Be it leather, leopard print, a cruelty-free faux fur or a lovely wool boucle, your coat is often the first thing people see of you in Chez Winter. So, spend some cash and show some flash! I love to see a hot-pink wool coat, or a forest-green peacoat, or some death-defying purple leather. Sure, a black leather or fur is always appropriate, but every other lady is sporting a noir wrap — step out of the norm and throw some COLOR around! It livens up your look, and the mood of others around you.

Another fetching and classy look is what retailers call “winter white” — it’s called that because it’s winter, and they want to sell white stuff. White wool is a lovely thing, but please accessorize with color, so you are not run over by salt trucks or amorously attacked by polar bears.

Pair with a dark scarf and gloves.

Pair with a dark scarf and gloves.

If you do opt for color in a coat, then let that coat do the talking — if leopard, then go for muted accessories — a buff-colored scarf and hat, and not being all leopardy from head to toe. Don’t want to wake up in the Big Cat Cage in the zoo, like in An American Werewolf in London.

Winter white

Winter white

Elegant black leather? Throw on some COLOR in accessories, a red cashmere scarf and boots, or a sunny yellow hat and infinity scarf.

Shoes for winter, always a sticky wicket. You want to look great and sexy, but realize that frostbite can change the look of your feet and legs forever, not for better.  Every winter, I see some stupid-ass ladies walking around in the snow in “little black dresses” with BARE LEGS and strappy wittle sandals. In 2 feet of snow. They’re not exactly headed for the MENSA meeting, are they?  They would look a lot cuter in some wicked boots and tights, which show off a well-turned calf without inviting pneumonia or frostbite.

Speaking of leg coverings! Tights are great, mainly in winter. Tights with a design can either look amazing, or like you have a skin disease. Most flowered tights have the leprosy option; I’d shy away from them. Black lace can be lovely, but go with a smaller pattern; and hey, you can wear a real pair of pantyhose under them, for warmth. Also keep in mind — no matter what Mademoiselle says, tights are NOT PANTS. It just looks like you forgot your skirt. And, as Dear Abby used to say  —pants that are stretchy and waaaay too tight look like two cats fighting in a flour sack. Same for too small polyester pants. And tights in summer — no, no, no! Would you wear a fur hat in summer? Hell,no! Then the same thing goes for tights. They’ll just make you sweaty and prickly, put ‘em away with the mittens and wool scarves!

Wear with boots and your winter coat.

Wear with boots and your winter coat.

Headwear is a winter problem too — hat hair. Who wants it. I am glad to see the latest crop of ear warmers, which are unobtrusive and yet warming. Or wear a larger, loose hat and primp when you arrive.

hatAnd another swell idea — thrift shopping, and end-of-season retail sales!Most retailers have now decided that we need to be shopping for bathing suits and “resort wear” — when it is still 3 degrees out, and will be for at least another month! That wicked teal-houndstooth cape you’ve been eyeing will now be slashed to 75% off, and you can spend wee bits of money and have it to wear for another month, and for the next hideous winter! Same for boots, scarves, mufflers and gloves.

Dear Readers, I too long for the days of warmth, flowers and beach time. But we are still grasped in the snowy jaws of winter, so let’s keep warm — and STYLISH!

With Love and Fireplaces, Lorraine Anderson, a.k.a. The Occasional Woman.

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Category: Style, Transgender Fashion, Transgender How To

The Occasional Woman

About the Author ()

I am a native Californian who has been based in the Philadelphia area since 1984. My first CD fashion creation was a gold lamé dress for the now esteemed editor of this publication. Since then I have made tons of fabulous frocks and other fashion apparel for the crossdressing and transgender community. Contact me for custom clothing or alterations via email: [email protected] Visit my Facebook page, @alterationsbylorraine

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