breast forrms

Where do we go from here?

| Jul 6, 2015
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Mara Keisling

Mara Keisling

Mara Keisling is the executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality. This organization is devoted to promoting the equality and dignity of transgender people.

In a recent statement Mara praised the landmark US Supreme Court decision that recognizes marriage equality for same sex couples, but reminds us that there is a lot to be done before transgender people can be assured of being treated with the dignity,  fairness, and equality that we deserve. We can still be fired from our jobs. We can still be discriminated against in accommodations, employment, education, and credit. There are still many state and federal laws and policies that need to be challenged and changed. As Keisling said in her statement “There are still no explicit federal laws that protect transgender and LGBT people from discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations, education, and credit.”

The good news is that Keisling believes that the solution to these challenges are now clearer and more achievable than ever before. This will take time and effort on our part and on the part of groups like the National Center for Transgender Equality. She asks us to commit ourselves to addressing the challenges that face our community so that we can be achieve the dignity and equality that we deserve.

So as we celebrate with the rest of the LGBT community the great victory at the Supreme Court, but let us continue to work for the equality of transgender people. Stay strong and stay proud.

NCTE’s Blueprint for Equality

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Category: Transgender Community News


About the Author ()

I am a retired trans woman who lives in florida.

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