What’s Shakin’? The TGForum News
Well, technically, TGF News isn’t shaking. But it does point you to what is going on in the world. This week: who’s wearing the bikini and handcuffs? Where do GOP candidates stand on TG discrimination? A woman is told to get out of the ladies’ room, and Latino men pay to flirt with t-girls in Tennessee. All this and more…
Remember the volunteer firefighter found drunk in a park in a bikini? He was in court this past week. WLWT-TV has the story.
You don’t have to be transgendered to be discriminated against on the basis of your gender expression. If that sentence makes too little sense, go read this story from the New York Blade. They explain it better and provide details.
If you’re transgender, unemployed and in San Francisco, you’re lucky. Well, maybe not. But there is help in the form of a job center with TG-specific programs. The Examiner.com has more. And that’s not the only good thing going in ‘Frisco. The Bay Area Reporter reports on a public health program saved from the chopping block. Is San Francisco the only TG-friendly city in the country, or just the most-friendly?
A victory for one transgendered inmate in a California jail cell. PinkNews.co.uk in the UK has details on a settlement over allegations of mistreatment and a lack of medical care.
The Presidential elections are still months and months away, but if you’re already following it, you probably won’t be surprised by… ah, heck. Even if you’re not following the run to the White House, you won’t be surprised by what the Washington Blade reports.
The American Medical Association has included “transgender” on its list of people you can’t discriminate against. The Windy City Times story suggests the move might have more far-reaching ramifications.
The Denver Post has an interesting article on Dr. Marci Bowers. Interesting in that it’s written from outside our community. It’s good, I think, to get reminded what this all looks like to people not familiar with us.
There’s an ongoing debate in the Nashville Scene about terminology. Scoot on over there and add your two cents. After you comment here, of course.
Category: All TGForum Posts, Transgender Community News