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What time is it? New Content Time!

| Aug 29, 2011
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Angela Gardner

Here on the east coast it’s been a tough week. We started out with a 5.8 magnitude earthquake that shook our TGF Towers office building like a wet dog. Then, just when we were getting the knick knacks picked up and put back on the shelf we had to batten down the hatches for hurricane Irene. Thankfully the tower’s windows are made of sturdy glass and nothing shattered as the hurricane’s fury pounded the building. And no one lost a wig. Which means that we are here to welcome the new day with new content, and we can say with ringing finality, good night Irene.

We begin the new content as ever we do with a bit of The Week In Transgenderism. All week long we have overworked our browsers and compelled search engines to give us the links to all the TG news that’s fit to print. We’ve got stories on Britain’s youngest drag queen (not the 16 year old we told you about a few TWITs ago. Younger!) and we have a story about England’s shortest drag queen, tales of passing in prison, an Indian TG who was tossed out of her health club, sissy bounce, and a whole lot more. It’s all waiting for you in TWIT!

The Artist D is with us today and she is exploring the fascinating topic of eye makeup. Sometimes you have to step back and look at your eye makeup objectively. Often when you do you find yourself saying, “Perhaps the raccoon eyeliner isn’t quite right for the grocery store on Wednesday afternoon.” Or maybe it is! It just depends on what you’re trying to achieve. The Artist D will help you get a handle on how to do your eyes for every occasion. Don’t miss her article, She’s Got Bette Davis Eyes.

David de Alba and Paul/Lavern Cummings played to a packed house last week at The Onyx Theater in Las Vegas last week and David has broken a strict law by sending us photos from the event. This is one story that won’t stay in Vegas. Take a look at the pictures and wish you had been there as these two legends performed again. And don’t miss your chance to see some live Finocchio’s memories in September when David de Alba returns to The Oynx with his one woman show, Finocchio’s Club Backstage Memoirs. The details on that are in The Event Calendar.

Pamela DeGroff joins us today with her Perpetual Change column. In today’s edition of PC she reviews the guitar driven band Chaos & Lace’s new release — simply titled Chaos & Lace. We’ve featured the band and their TG guitarist before in Pamela’s column and at that time the leader/guitarist Julianna Brown said that the project was underway. Pamela tells us how it turned out and wraps up the column with some music news about Calpernia Addams, Cyndy Lauper and StormMiguel Florez. Keep in step with the rhythm and read every word of Perpetual Change.

That’s our new content for this Monday. Enjoy!

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Category: TG Forum News


About the Author ()

Angela Gardner is a founding member of The Renaissance Transgender Assoc., Inc., former editor of its newsletter and magazine, Transgender Community News. She was the Diva of Dish for TGF in the late 1990s and Editor of LadyLike magazine until its untimely demise. She has appeared in film and television shows portraying TG characters, as well as representing Renaissance on numerous talk shows.

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