What? It’s Monday again?
Hey TGF members! It’s that time again — time for a new edition of the best darned TG mag on the Web. Before we leap into it this week I have to share a photo that I found in the New York Times. It’s from a slide show of footwear in Manhattan. Times staffer Bill Cunningham goes around on his bike taking photos of style type things and then they make it into a slide show with his narration. The slide show with this photo was about the various styles of high heels found on the city streets. The pair in this photo are downright dangerous.
On deck today is the always entertaining, informative and wild This Week in Transgenderism. (That’s so much sexier than The TG News, ain’t it?) Ronnie Rho has slugged it out with a vicious computer virus to dig out scattered gems of TG news on the Interwebs and we bring them to you in TWIT. And, this week our Twit of the Week is Russian, darlinks. What did she do to deserve a TOTW? Gotta read your TWIT to find out.
Dr. Maureen Osborne is with us this week with another edition of her column on TG issues from a therapist’s point of view. In Checking in With Dr. Osbo’s Bridge Club she tackles the thorny issue of whether or not Gender Identity Disorder and Transvestic Fetishism should be in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. I know I don’t have a “disorder.” I just like to order my cocktails while I’m wearing a dress and heels. Is that so wrong? Read Dr. Osbo’s Bridge Club and see if you agree with her diagnosis.
This week we welcome back a writer who hasn’t graced your monitors for some time. I ran into Linda Jensen, former TGF columist, at one of my TG parties in the Philadelphia area and she asked if TGF would like her to take up the word processor again. I told her we’d be delighted to publish her stuff and this is the first of her new “personal account” columns. Linda recently decided to eliminate some of the things a TG can accumulate over time and clean out her storage unit. She tells us about it in Downsizing: It can be Win, Win, Win.
And last, but not least, we bring you the continuing story of one trans lady who searches for happiness and gender reassignment in the Big Apple of the Swingin’ ’60s. Yes, it’s the star of the long running series by Hebe Dotson, Terri Sayers, as Theresa. This week we find Terri talking with her best friend after dinner. Her friend has just told her that she knows that Terry used to be Alan. Terri spilled her wine when she lost control during her shocked reaction. Will Terri change her blouse? Will that wine stain ever come out? And what will happen now that her secret is a cat that’s crawled out of the bag? Find out the answer to at least one of these questions in Theresa Part 32.
That’s your TGF for this week. Remember it’s there all week long and forever after. If you’ve missed past blogs, articles or features in TGF you can always scroll back through the previous weeks or use the search function to find the writer or article you’re looking for. And if you have any problems with the features of TGF be sure to let me know so we can figure out what’s not working.
Category: TG Forum News