What Did You Say? Trans and sex terminology
In my studies on transgender issues and even in conversations with other transgender people it is often hard to pin down the meaning of a particular term that someone is using. Even looking up gender terms on the internet is sometimes confusing. Definitions vary between websites and I have never found a complete listing of all the different terms. So what I have attempted to do the past year is to compile as many words and definitions as possible. When definitions have differed between websites I have blended the meanings together to try and form a cohesive understanding of the word.
You may disagree with some the meanings I have compiled, and that’s okay. Maybe this will inspire a better understanding of the transgender language. However since this is my article this is the best I could come up with. You are free to create your own list. So with your permission I will attempt to put forth the best of my research.
What Did You Say?
A Transgender and sexual terminology Dictionary
Asexual– An asexual person does not express erotic desire for anyone.
Autogynephila- The discredited theory put forth by Ray Blanchard who believes transgender women are self-hating gay men that want to pursue sexual relationships with heterosexual men. Also this theory encompasses what he sees is heterosexual men who are aroused by women to the point of mental illness that eventually leads to the transition of their own body’s into the female body.
Auto Sexual– An auto sexual person is someone who takes pleasure in their own bodies over having sexual relations with a partner.
Biological Sex– Biological sex refers to the sex you were assigned at birth.
Body Dysmorphia– A mental illness involving obsessive focus on a perceived flaw in appearance. This could be a miner flaw or even imagined.
Bottom Surgery- General term for surgery to re-assign one’s gender. This could be male to female or female to male.
Cisgender– (Cis) Latin meaning on the same side. A cisgender person is someone whose gender identity matches the sex were assigned to at birth. i.e. A girl who was assigned female at birth perceives herself as a girl. This term is often abbreviated as ‘cis.’
Clocked- Slang term for when transgender person is perceived as their birth sex instead of their gender identity.
Cross Dresser- A cross dresser is someone who enjoys dressing as the opposite sex but does not identify as the opposite sex. Often this is done for sexual gratification.
Endocrinology- Endocrinology is the study and practice of the effects that hormones have on the body. An endocrinologist is a person that prescribes and monitors the use hormones on their patients.
Fish- A derogatory term often used by transsexual girls to refer to a naturally born female.
Gender Dysphoria- Gender dysphoria is the medical diagnosis for the discomfort or sometimes even loathing a person feels when their gender Identity does not match their gender assigned at birth.
Gender Expression- Gender expression encompasses everything that communicates our gender to others. This includes clothing, hairstyles, body language, mannerisms, and social interactions.
Gender Fluid / Non-binary- A gender fluid or non-binary person expresses a wider more flexible range of gender identity. This person may feel that they are more female on some days, or more male on other days. Gender fluid people do not feel confined by restrictive boundaries of the stereotypical expectations of being one gender. These people often are not comfortable with the standard, he/she pronouns, but often prefer: they, them or us.
GID- Gender identity disorder. GID is the diagnostic classification defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). This classification first appeared in the DSM III. It is used as a diagnostic tool and justification for insurance companies. It was meant to fill the void that was left when transsexual was dropped from the manual as a mental disorder.
Genderqueer- Genderqueer people embrace a fluidity of gender expression that is not limiting. They may not identify as male or female, but as neither or even as both.
Gender Variance / Gender Non-conforming- This refers to behaviors and interest that fit outside of the restrictive stereotypes of what we consider normal gender behavior.
GRS / SRS- Gender reassignment surgery, Sexual reassignment surgery. The operation that transforms ones sex into the opposite sex. Specifically referring to bottom surrey. There are several types of bottom surgeries, both for male and female.
HRT– Hormone replacement therapy.The replacement of your body’s natural hormone with that of the opposite sex. Such as a testosterone blocker coupled with estradiol for natal males or androgens such as testosterone for natal females.
Intersex- An intersex person is someone who is born with ambiguous genitalia, or both a penis and vaginal canal. This person used to be referred to as a hermaphrodite.
LGBTQIA- Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex and allies. Oftentimes referred to as LGBTQ+.
Metoidioplasty- Operation extending the length of the clitoris of a woman to better represent a male penis.
MTF / FTM- Shorthand for the transition of a male to female or female to male.
MX- Neutral prefix for Mr., Ms., or Mss.
Scrotoplasty- The creation of a scrotom, usually by inserting egg shaped silicone testicles into a surgically reshaped labia.
Sexual Orientation- Sexual orientation refers to the gender you are sexually and romantically attracted to. Your attraction could be for either male, female, or both.
Stealth or Going Stealth- slang term for when a transgender person intentionally hides or conceals the fact that they are transgender to most everyone.
T- Slang term for testosterone.
Transgender- (Trans) Latin meaning to cross over. Transgender is an umbrella term that refers to an individual whose gender identity does not match their assigned birth sex. Transgender does not refer to a person’s sexual orientation, or the state of their medical transition.
Trans woman / Trans Man- These terms are referring to how a transgender person identifies. So a trans woman will have been assigned male at birth and a trans man would have been assigned female at birth.
Translesbian- A translesbian is a transgender girl who is attracted to cisgender females.
Transsexual- A transsexual is a person is one who is medically altering their body’s to align themselves with their gender identity. Often times the feeling of body dysmorphia is so strong in a person that the choice comes down to either suicide or transition. Transitioning is done through the use of hormones and possibly SRS. However, the use of the term transsexual has fallen out of favor because of the misappropriated association to sexual drive or behavior.
Transvestite- A person who will dress in female clothing for entertainment or the express purpose of prostitution. However it should be noted that a transgender person participating in prostitution in itself does not signify that she is a transvestite.
Top Surgery- The operation for a trans man to remove their breast tissue. It is also called masculinizing Chest surgery.
Pansexual or Omnisexual- Is the attraction to people regardless of their gender or gender identity. A pansexual will often say they are attracted to personality’s not orientation.
Paraphilic Disorder- Is recurrent, intense sexual fantasies that are distressing or disabling and involve inanimate objects, children, nonconsenting adults, or suffering and humiliation of oneself or their partner with the potential to cause harm.
Phalloplasty- Operation to create a comparably sized penis. This done with multiple procedures and a donor site such as the forearm or thigh. This includes skin, tissue, nerves and blood vessels.
Polygamy- Having romantic and sexual relations with more than one partner at a time.
Vaginoplasty / Penile Inversion- Operation using the penis to form the clitoris and vaginal canal. It also involves the removing of the testicles and using the scrotal tissue to form the labia.
I hope this helps you to better understand the unique language we as transgender people and the people who care for us have developed. If nothing let’s talk about it. But until then,
I am strong, I am beautiful, and trans proud.
Category: FYI