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We Invite Thee to Partake of Ye Olde Monday Edition

| Mar 1, 2010
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monday_tgfGood day fair pilgrims unto the land of transgender perambulation! Well be it indeed that you have girded up your loins with silks and satins, shod your nether extremities in heels most high, and painted your lips and eyes in the fashion of flirtatious ladies of the evening. Winch tight your corset stays, fair maids, and prepare to partake of that most sumptuous of feminine delights, The TGForum Monday Edition!

But enough of the psuedo 18th century style. I just can’t keep that up for more than a paragraph. The truth of the matter is, no matter how you dress it up the Monday Edition is now right here on your monitor, so what have we got in store?

First up, the pulchritudinous, playful and fairly prolific labors of Miss Ronnie Rho — This Week In Transgenderism. This week Ronnie has links to news about Amanda Lepore, the wrangle over TGs being kicked outta Capone’s, a slew of new reality shows starring TGs, a gender switching party at a college in New England, Kimberly Reed is everywhere — plus a whole lot more! Don’t miss all the TG news that’s fit to print, be sure to read your TWIT.

Miss Pamela DeGroff, laboring mightily with an unfamiliar, loner computer, has met her deadline and brings us Part 2 of her Transvocalizers interview with the super interesting and talented singer Lala McCallan. Ms. McCallan has a voice capable of singing the bass and soprano parts and she uses it along with her great beauty to perform in all the great halls of Europe. Will Lala land on this side of the Atlantic anytime soon? Read Transvocalizers, Lala McCallan Part 2 and find out.

Miss Kalina Isato is with us this week and she brings us her Stochastic Musings. She has thoughts, which swirl through her mind in a random manner and as they bubble to the surface her word processor is there to capture them and pass them on to you. This week thoughts about restroom use, the value of not making it clear why you’re looking more and more like a girl, the value of knowing the city’s rules regarding TGs, teaching her son to shave, walking shirtless on the beach and much more. Don’t miss Stochastic Musings to learn all about the work in progress that is our Miss Isato.

And lastly we wind up this Monday Edition with more from Ronnie. Miss Rho reports on The Academic Transgender Studies Website which features lectures, studies, and reports on transgender peoples from around the globe. It’s the brainchild of Dr. Walter Williams and the site is hosted on the same servers as TGForum so Dr. Williams is a neighbor. Read Ronnie’s report on the site and be sure to give it a visit.

And that is the end of ye olde summary of what’s in this Monday Edition. Keep in mind most of the photos are clickable so you can see a larger version. Enjoy!

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Category: TG Forum News


About the Author ()

Angela Gardner is a founding member of The Renaissance Transgender Assoc., Inc., former editor of its newsletter and magazine, Transgender Community News. She was the Diva of Dish for TGF in the late 1990s and Editor of LadyLike magazine until its untimely demise. She has appeared in film and television shows portraying TG characters, as well as representing Renaissance on numerous talk shows.

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