Wait, did you just say it’s Monday?
So it is, and just like clockwork we present for your entertainment, edification and enjoyment, another TGForum Monday Edition. Today we start, as we most often do, with The Week In Transgenderism, the handiwork of or News Editor Ronnie Rho. Ronnie is back from vacation and has once again assembled a plethora of news links leading to stories about TGs in this world of ours. Everyone from the TG author and activist in India who is on tour promoting understanding, and book sales, to the TS who was jailed for driving without a license and then mocked and denied medication during her jail stay are lurking in this TWIT. There’s also the “Love Parade,” the caregiver in England who was fired after coming out to her employer, a documentary about Cuba’s first TS, a life guard in Philadelphia who was harassed, assaulted and fired after her fellow employees found out her plumbing was male — and a whole lot more. Don’t miss a bit of your TWIT!
Kalina Isato has transitioned on the job. Our former club kid is now a working mom. And she can go to work in makeup, with polished nails and take pictures of herself to post in her column on TGF. That column is called Stochastic Musings and in this week’s edition she comments on passability, makeup, women with short haircuts looking like lesbians, TSs who look like men, meeting gender questioning youth for lunch and what she wore. Kalina has the life many of us can only dream about. Follow her adventures as she moves further into womanliness in this month’s Stochastic Musings.
JoAnn Roberts has ventured into new territory also by taking a pair of RealBreast forms for a test ride. These are glue on, invisible seam prosthesis that are as close to the real thing as you can get using plastic, silicone and glue. Get JoAnn’s evaluation of the forms and view photos of them actually stuck to her body. How good are they? Read RealBreast Evaluation and find out.
Christine Beatty addresses the reality of making a living as a TG porn star in this month’s TransActive titled The Porno Proposition. Sometimes TG people have a vision of making the money they need for their SRS by doing TG porn. Is that a realistic idea? What does it take to make money as a video vixen with something extra? Is it a good idea at all? Christine has some answers and some interesting history about TG porn. Don’t miss this month’s TransActive. This month will be Christine’s last column for TGF. She is leaving us to pursue other endeavors. Good luck Christine!
And that dear readers is that for this week. Please read your TGForum Monday Edition responsibly. Pick a designated driver, don’t take any wooden quarters, and eat your 5 a day. Have fun! And, now and then, a comment or two wouldn’t be so bad. It wouldn’t hurt.
Category: TG Forum News