Uterine Transplants for Transsexuals?
(Philadelphia, PA) Dramatic breakthroughs in medical science could change the transgender world as we know it. A recent uterine transplant at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, together with in vitro fertilization, resulted in the birth of a healthy and fully developed child, carried to term by its birth mother. The procedure, initially developed to aid infertile women, may one day be applicable for male-to-female transgender women as well.
According to transgender surgery pioneer, Dr. Sherman Leis, “Transgender people feel that they were born into the wrong body. Until now, transgender surgeons could give them the physical characteristics of their gender, but they could not reproduce. Thanks to this breakthrough in uterine transplant surgery, male-to-female transgender women will one day soon be able to enjoy the ultimate female experience – that of giving birth to one’s own child.”
According to Dr. Sherman Leis, founder of the Philadelphia Center for Transgender Surgery and a pioneer in surgical techniques for transgender men and women, “The brilliance of this scientific work and clinical trials in Sweden is that the uterus is being implanted in a way that does not require it being connected to the recipient’s Fallopian tubes or ovaries, which obviously a MTF patient does not have.” Dr. Leis also noted, “Although there are always risks with surgery of any kind, the risks involved in a uterus transplant for the donor are more or less the same as those associated with a regular hysterectomy, which is a fairly common procedure. Added considerations for the recipient, however, are more complex, as vascular connections must be accomplished, as well as management of the immune system in order to prevent organ rejection similar to other organ transplants.”
Dr. Sherman Leis is one of the world’s pre-eminent transgender surgeons and founder of The Philadelphia Center for Transgender Surgery located in suburban Philadelphia at 19 Montgomery Avenue, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004. Phone: 610-667-1888. Website: www.thetransgendercenter.com.
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