breast forrms

TWIT Notes–Better late than never!

| Nov 24, 2007
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rubycorado.jpgWe’d like to say there was a nefarious plot by a certain gay-rights group that delayed this edition of This Week in Transgenderism, but alas, no. We’d also like to say it was the getting up early for Black Friday that caused the delay, but again: no. Instead, it was, um… aliens. Aliens stole our brains. Yeah. That’s the ticket.

transdayrememberance.JPGDidja go to your local Transgender Day of Remembrance ceremonies? If not, catch up on what you missed: Eureka Reporter, In-Forum, and oh! Look at this article in the Washington Blade. Apparently there’s some flap about the observance and the HRC. Go figure.

p20transvestite.jpgThe number of murders in the UK is much lower than the number of homicides in the US. But, that must mean that the murder rate among the transgendered in Great Britain is higher. And here’s another one. Read about Kellie Telesford in This is And read about the killing of Roslan Abdul Rahim of Malaysia (pictured) in the Star Online.

Could a sometime-drag queen be the next President? No, we’re not talking about Hillary. MSNBC reviews the evidence against Rudy Guiliani.

Canada‘s armed forces discriminated against a transgendered lawyer. We’d tell you more, but that’s all the Ottawa Sun told us.

190-bruce.jpgA sore loser is suing a Georgia councilmember over, well, I’m not quite sure. But then again, I don’t possess the legal brilliant mind the plaintiff apparently does. Get it all cleared up at the New York Times.

ZeeNews, in India, reports a transgendered individual is running for office. And as a republican, no less! (Though I doubt republican in India is different from the American GOP.)

The Associated Press says Michigan’s chief executive has signed prohibiting discrimination on the basis of gender identity or expression. Way to go, Gov! Are you watching, HRC?

Why does the HRC leadership dislike the trans-community? Why do we return the favor? Monica Roberts has written a wonderful history in the San Francisco Sentinel. It’s a little long, but it should be required reading.

Why do drunk old women dislike the trans-community? Or are we making a generalization based on the behavior of one drunk old lady? Or maybe this one drunk old lady likes the trans-community, but hates her DQ neighbor. WiganToday doesn’t cut corners or assume anything in this story.

And what does the rest of the population think about us? Hard to say. But, it appears we’re making some headway around the Bay Area, if you believe this sampler from

dragqueens_wideweb.jpgDrag queens in Australia are running out of places to perform. And there are only so many used buses for sale. What are they ever to do? The Sydney Morning Herald has the story.

The Edmunton Sun’s tv critic sez the new trend on the telly is trannies. But we already knew that.

What are the rules regarding flirting with straight men in a gay bar? Or any bar for that matter. The author of the Whine Line seems to have some experience in this department. Read the Metro Spirit and arch one eyebrow.

jimmylewis.JPGBad tranny of the week? Jimmy Maurice Lewis, who got implants and now allegedly robs banks, according to the Huntsville Times.

  • Yum

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Category: All TGForum Posts, Transgender Community News


About the Author ()

Ronnie Rho has been writing for Transgender Forum since May of 1999. One of these days, she'll get it right. She's been described as the "world's most famous recluse," but only by people who don't know her very well. She is unmarried, and lives in Cincinnati.

Comments (3)

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  1. says:

    Argh…bad placement on my comment. I was referring to Ronnie’s excuses.

  2. says:

    Oh, just admit you were in a turkey coma and most everyone will understand.

  3. says:

    Regarding the HRC vs Transgender article from the San Francisco Sentinel:

    The animosity that exists between the GLB and the T community is something that I have observed for several years and have never quite been able to figure out. My wife and I work at both the local and statewide level with GLBT young people. It’s been interesting (disturbing and comforting) to observe that the animosity and shared mistrust between the groups seems to be, for the most part, generational. What we have noticed is that within the GLB community, if you are part of the baby boomer generation, you have a much greater tendency towards mistrust or exclusion of the T community. I know several of the statewide leaders of the GLB community here in Iowa who fall within that age group and all are “trying to understand” the T factor. I would wager that most of the leadership of the GLB community on a national level would also fall within this age bracket.

    In my speaking to young people on transgender I have always encountered support from high school and college age communities. In these age brackets it seems (at least in Iowa) that a wave of support and genuine seeking for understanding, solidarity and unity for all in the GLBT community is the current theme. Though the present relations between the GLB and the T community may seem a bit rough, I have a strong hope for the future as I observe the passion and drive of the future leaders of the GLBT communities.

breast forrms