TWIT Awards – Jan 13, 2025

| Jan 18, 2025
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A transgender woman in Florida got the sex marker on her driver’s license changed, then went on TikTok to share the news. Libs Of TikTok heard of the announcement, and told the state, who undid the correction. The purpose of a sex marker on a driver’s license is to help identify the person who is allowed to drive. For requiring information on the driver’s license which does not help identify the individual, and for interfering in the life of an individual in a way that is none of their business, Libs Of TikTok and officials of Florida get a TWIT. LGBTQ Nation has this story.

Fox News host Jesse Watters says that LGBTQ people are “nuts” to think that President-elect Donald Trump will go after our rights. For forgetting that transgender people are the “T” in “LGBTQ,” and for ignoring the obvious fact that President-elect Trump has announced his intention to attack transgender rights, Jesse Watters gets a TWIT. This story comes from LGBTQ Nation.

The Delaware Republican Party has invited Representative Nancy Mace to come and talk to them, and to the public, about the importance of bathroom bans. Such bans are entirely based on prejudice, which is not a good thing to celebrate. Moreover, Representative Sarah McBride’s gender identity is not an issue that she ran on. For turning prejudice into an issue, and for ignoring the real issues in order to devote themselves to this, the Delaware Republican Party get a TWIT. LGBTQ Nation has this story.

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is having trouble getting members of his own party to support legislature which needs to be passed. The House Republicans seem to be ready to split on many issues. Speaker of the House Johnson seems to be ready and willing ot use transgender rights as a tool to get Republicans together. For rallying around hate and prejudice, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson gets a TWIT. This story comes from LGBTQ Nation.

As we mentioned in the news, Facebook and Instagram announced that they are getting rid of fact-checkers, and are allowing more personal attacks on the social media platforms. The new standards also allow slurs against transgender people. For allowing transgender people to be referred to by slurs, and for no longer caring if we are attacked with untrue statements, Facebook gets a TWIT. This story comes from Them.

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Category: Transgender Opinion


About the Author ()

Every week Cecilia Barzyk diligently scans the internet to assemble as much trans-related information from the weekly news as possible.

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