Twit Awards for the Week 7/15
As we mentioned in the News, the U.S. Senate voted to keep the provisions which attack gender-affirming care in the military budget. The Advocate reports that Joe Manchin joined the Republicans in voting for the anti-transgender revisions. For voting against medical science and for provisions which are likely to cause mental health issues, Joe Manchin and the Senate Republicans get a Twit Award.
Last week, we mentioned in the News that transgender, non-binary runner Nikki Hiltz made the U.S. Olympic team. Several right-wing news sites seem to have presumed that Nikki Hiltz is “biologically male.” In fact, Nikki Hiltz was assigned female at birth, but is non–binary. For passing on misinformation, those who said that Nikki Hiltz is “biologically male” get a Twit Award. There is a fact check from Reuters
Tara Lipsyncki, a drag queen, has sold her childhood home in Utah and gone into hiding after Gays Against Groomers made her home address public last year, inviting the public to send threats to her. For doing unto others what they would not want done to them, Gays Against Groomers gets a Twit Award. The Advocate has this story.
This week, “Project 2025” became one of the top search terms on Google, passing even NFL in number of searches The Trans Formation Project reports that indeed transgender rights are in the crosshairs of Project 2025. Former President Trump denied that he is behind Project 2025, saying that he is not familiar with what it says. (That is believable, since the document runs over 900 pages.) The Republican Draft Platform promises to “end Left-wing gender insanity, including an end to “Taxpayer funding for sex change surgeries” and keeping schools from talking about gender identity. (For more, see the article in LGBTQ Nation.) Former President Trump’s election website features something called “Agenda 47,” which talks of their policy proposals. It includes a federal ban on gender-affirming care for minors, and promises to “cease all programs that promote the concept of sex and gender transition at any age.” For threatening to use the federal government to achieve its goals, despite its talk about empowering local governments and families to make their own decisions, and for general anti-transgender mania, Project 2025, the Republican Party Platform, ad Agenda 47 all get a Twit Award. For ore on Agenda 47, you can see an article at The Advocate.
Category: Transgender Opinion