Twit Awards for the Week 4/8/24
Last week, we gave out a Twit Award to those who presumed that the date for Transgender Day of Visibility was chosen so that it would coincide with Easter. Even Stephen Colbert ended up mocking this idea. This week, we have a few examples of this in action by Twit Award recipients.
- Former President Trump and his campaign staff blamed President Biden for choosing the date to celebrate Transgender Day of Visibility, or at least, that he could have changed the date. The Associated Press has this story.
- Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, or someone with access to his account on X, sent a message which seems to blame “the Biden White House” for the two events falling on the same day, or at least for recognizing both. This story comes from The Advocate.
- Caitlyn Jenner also tweeted her disapproval of recognizing Transgender Day Of Visibility when it falls on the same day as Easter–which it did previously, in 2019. PinkNews has this story.
We remind these people that Transgender Day Of Visibility is always March 31, while Easter is a movable feast. When a movable feast shares a date with an event that always happens on a particular calendar date, the movable feast is to blame.
Former President Donald Trump called for a “Christian Day of Visibility,” in part to respond to Easter falling on Transgender Day of Visibility this year. He chose “Christian Day of Visibility” to be November 5, which is Election Day. When he first ran for President, the pastor of the church Donald Trump claimed to belong to said he had never seen him in the church, and never received a donation from him. He has more than a few of the characteristics of the antichrist, while his actions are very far from the answer to “what would Jesus do?”. For daring to call for “Christian Day of Visibility,” Donald Trump gets another Twit Award. The Advocate has this story.
After suggesting that Transgender Day of Visibility could be held on April Fools Day, Lara Trump, the wife of Eric Trump and co-chair of the Republican National Committee, gave a series of wild links between high oil prices and President Biden’s support for transgender people. Neither the President nor transgender people have any effect on the price of oil, or on the Israel-Hamas war, which she then jumped to. For bad logic, Lara Trump gets a Twit Award. This story comes from The Advocate.
The Daily Mail published an article about a study which purports to show that “Most gender-confused children grow out if it.” However, the Dutch study which they cite did not study transgender children, but rather, looked at children who were “discontented” with their gender. This is a decidedly lower bar, one which includes many who never expressed a desire to change genders. For claiming that the study looked at transgender children when the study itself said it was looking at a larger group, the Daily Mail gets a Twit Award. IntoMore has a critique of this study.
Morgonn McMichael, a noted right-wing commentator, made a video about the all-gender restrooms at the Kansas City International Airport. She got feedback from the chair of the commission which created the all-gender restroom. Yes, they do have twenty stalls, and you could be next to someone of a different gender. But, the stalls have full-size doors on them. The chair of the commission even included a picture of the doors. While Ms. McMichael’s post got 3,000 likes, the reply from the chair of the commission got over 40,000 likes for his post. For incomplete information, and for showing her prejudice to the general idea, Morgonn McMichael gets a Twit Award. This story comes from LGBTQ Nation.
Category: Transgender Opinion