Twit Awards for the Week 3/20/23
We recently told you of Nebraska state Senator Michaela Cavanaugh, who has been filibustering to prevent anti-transgender legislation from passing. This week, a fellow state Senator, Julie Slama, has proposed a measure of censure against her, taking offense to her comparison of this legislation to genocide. While the comparison is extreme, it is not entirely unjustified, and it is no worse than many which her political opponents would make. For taking objection to a practice which one’s own party engages in, state Senator Julie Slama gets a Twit Award. The Nebraska Examiner has this story.
The gender center at Children’s Hospital of St. Louis has been the source of much controversy, as a supposed whistle-blower went public with a story of transgender patients who were still provided gender-affirming care even after the supposed whistleblower felt that the patients were expressing doubts about their gender identities. This week, we found out that multiple such employees of the gender center had been keeping such information on patients, and forwarding it to Jesse Singal, a writer known to be critical of transgender health care for young people. For ignoring patient confidentiality laws, and for forwarding such sensitive information to a source who is known to be biased, the workers at Children’s Hospital of St. Louis get a Twit Award. This story comes from IntoMore.
John Miller, the Prosecutor for Lapeer County in Michigan, has said that he will file criminal charges against any librarian who stocks the book Gender Queer: A Memoir, by Maia Kobabe. He said that the book, “borders on. . .child sexual abusive material.” The prosecutor says that the book entices young people to have sex, even though the author is asexual. The prosecutor says he has not yet decided whether to prosecute the librarian who puts the book on the shelf, the library board which approved the book, or even the author of the book. For hyperbole, for rushing to prosecute with an incomplete plan, and for not caring about the first amendment freedom of expression, Lapeer County Prosecutor John Miller gets a Twit Award. This story comes from LGBTQ Nation.
A letter to the editor of an Australian newspaper described an incident in which a “man” came into the ladies’ locker room and undressed. The “man” was actually a transgender female, given the description in the letter. However, the venue checked, and there was no record of such an incident. The editor has since taken responsibility for not fact-checking the claim. The editor was fired for running a fabricated letter. For publishing fake news, and for promoting bigotry through the fake news, the former editor of The Examiner gets a Twit Award. PinkNews has this story.
Marjorie Taylor Greene continues her quest to have transgender people treated as less then full citizens. She claimed, “Antifa is attacking people who challenge the trans mafia,” completely forgetting that the candidate whom she so supports for the Republican nomination has been said to behave like a mafia figure. For projection, and for attempting to demean behavior in one group which she fully supports in another, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene gets a Twit Award. This story comes from LGBTQ Nation.
As mentioned in the news, Arkansas lawmakers, including Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders, have extended the statute of limitations for suing those who provide gender-affirming care. The point of this is to protect those who desist, although few of those who begin a medical transition desist. Moreover, those who do desist because they changed their minds lied to counsellors and other gatekeepers, telling them that they were certain that they were transgender when in fact they were not. For protecting liars, and endangering medical professionals who try their best, the lawmakers behind this extension of the statute of limitations get a Twit Award. The Advocate has this story.
A group of neo-Nazis in Ohio interrupted a Drag Queen Story Time event near Akron, Ohio, with a chant of “Sieg Heil.” A group of so-called Christians joined in the protest, and did not object to the chant of “Sieg Heil.” For showing too clearly who they are, the neo-Nazis get a Twit Award. They share it with fellow protesters who did not see the chant as a reason to distance themselves from this group. This story comes from Them.
Category: Transgender Opinion