Crossdresser Corner

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    I’m new to this forum. I’m married to a wonderful, supportive woman.

    I joined this forum so I could interact with other people who share the same lifestyle as my wife and I. Hoping to learn from the members here.


    I’m Mike and recently came out to my wife as a crossdresser. Thanks for being out here and not being a hookup forum.



    I have been interested in girls/womens clothes since I was about 6 years old. I have dressed off and on ever since. It has been a secret that I have only shared with my tg friend. I am married, my wife knows that I like to dress up in lingerie. She does not know that I would like to dress completely as a woman and go out in public.


    You are in a tough spot. Many crossdressers feel that they will lose their partners if they tell any or just a bit of the truth about their attraction to dressing up. It’s good that you spouse accepts you in lingerie. Since she has gone that far she may be open to you doing more. But, most partners are most concerned that someone will recognize you as a man they know when you are out and about. Loss of status in the community is often why they don’t want you dressing in public. You have two choices. Continue as you are or try slowly introducing the idea of you going out. if she is really set against it then you have to decide how important going out en femme is to you and move on from there. Good luck! Thanks for using our discussion forum.


    Hello Jesamine here. My very first time in here. Is there anyone on line?


    Welcome! I’m new myself, to more than just this site, and if I can help in any way, I will.


    Hi, jes! How are you?


    First time on this forum didn’t know it existed Been going to the news letter for ages just never clicked around. Nice to see a spot for us simple old CD’s that like being both genders when we want. I’ll check back more often would love to meet another here in San Diego I know there out there its just hard to connect
    Keep having fun Thats what it is all about


    Contact the local support group for transgender folks, Neutral Corner. It’s been there since 1985.


    I am familiar with the group and to attend time to time although it has been quite awhile since I have attended. I kind of stopped going because I felt the groups was mostly either CD’d heavily in the closet or TS on the way to transition. Nothing against either group but I was and am just looking for a friend to go to the mall or dinner or just chat over coffee. It is a good group and relatively active So with your recommendation maybe I’ll make a return trip to NC
    Thanks Sallee


    Hi ladies, I just joined the Forum this week. I’m in my late 40s and although I am not (yet?) full-time, with the exception of family gatherings I am out everywhere (including work and at church, where I’m an active and valued member of our ladies group and our women’s scripture study).

    I started when I was in grade school and only began testing public environments 15 years ago. Since I’ve been out I feel so much more like myself, if that makes any sense. Looking back I wish I had begun the process sooner. Maybe some things would be more second nature to me by now.

    At any rate, I’m glad to be here. 🙂



    Hi! I am a mature semi-closeted crossdresser. I am out to mt wife, therapists and a number of CD friends in my locale. I do consider myself falling under the gentle transgender umbrella, although I am happy to share myself with both my male and female personae. I do so admire girls who have started or completed the transition to complete transgender status.


    Hi! I’m a senior crossdresser who recently turned 80. I have been dressing for more than 70 years but always in the closet. I’m married but my wife is not accepting. Whenever she is away for a day or more, I dress up completely.Thanks for having this forum available.


    Just thought I would stop in and say hi. Is kinda akward for me for various reasons, but anyhow hi..


    I am Rhonda Lee… Outreach Director for the Atlanta Tri-Ess chapter. I am involved in educating both members and public about who we are, through individual meetings, outings with various groups (CDs and/or those who are anywhere along the spectrum) and am active on a national basis to improve awareness/acceptance of who we are and our needs. I have been involved in research studies, interviewed on NPR, authored articles on the subject and do presentations to classes and wherever I find a welcoming audience. Although most of my efforts center in GA and SC, I’d love to meet folks more local to me (NC). I am involved in a group of counselors and ministers (“Seekers”) seeking to help those in the LGBTQ community find accepting places to worship or counselors. My wife divorced me after 43 years because she could not accept being married to a crossdresser and insisted I find a cure. So I have particular empathy toward those in difficult relationships like mine and am doing all I can to educate and prevent others from suffering similar fates.
    I’d love to connect with anyone interested in support or perhaps interested in just getting together. While I dress, but not fully, at home, I am most interested in going out fully dressed to meet with others. I never dress just to go out on my own. While fine going out with CDs, I especially enjoy dressing to go out to be with individuals other than CDs or a diverse group interested in engaging in meaningful dialogue or activities.

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