Tranny Queer: Hiding within Innocence

The Artist D!
When I take a snapshot of our current society I see that we are passing through a moment where the vulnerable creatures are taking stage . This century has interestingly given freedoms to be more of ourselves than ever. As usual this leads to good and bad results. The people who bare their innocence on their sleeves have been given a spotlight . This has resulted in some people getting long term demons off of their backs. For others it has not made them feel any better. It reminds me of when we insisted we had no labels and only ended up instating more labels.
I have always felt that I live within a predatory culture. When I use the word “predatory” I do not mean anything illegal in that, however a lot of people have operated illegally predatorily too. I mean predator in the animal kingdom way. The strong and ambitious people who are never giving up. The dominant. The people pushing through against all odds. The humans whom are not letting anything get them down and are making it work with what they have.
This dominant mindset is the opposite of what I see a lot of people emerging with these days. They are submissive and aching to be heard. They often feel weak and seem to focus on things they cannot change . They are the passive types who wish to cause no one any harm, implied or accidentally. The type of person who apologizes for asking to step past you as if it’s really putting you out.
In a lot of ways the snapshot of our current landscape is a solid yin and yang. We have temporarily obliterated the gray middle ground . There is nothing wrong with being a very dominant person, just as it is perfectly acceptable to be submissive. BDSM teaches us that and helps many people travel within their archetypes. But most people have become so very black OR white that they are butting heads with the other at lightning speed.
As a dominant individual I think that sometimes submissive people feel too much. My personal coping system is dealing with it and moving beyond it. When I read the stories of agony from others I get the feeling that they are dwelling on things for far too long. Bad things have happened to all of us. We have all been publicly embarrassed before. Most of us have all been touched inappropriately before. I’ve had a lot of people take advantage of me, mentally and physically, without my permission. I’ve had sex with plenty of people I never wanted to have sex with. We both consented to that, but it still wasn’t exactly a smashing endeavor. Life is a mess. “You fall out of your mother’s womb, you crawl across open country under fire, and drop into your grave.” — Quentin Crisp
The people who feel as though they have been wronged will tell you that it is not right. That people shouldn’t grope you while you’re standing at the bar. They’ll tell us that saying loathsome things to you in public shouldn’t be allowed. And to all of that I say they are taking life far too seriously.
There is a really big difference between someone sticking their penis in you without invitation compared to a drunk dude at the bar grabbing your bum. If someone has raped you or is raping you then you take appropriate action. That’s the stuff that’s not right and needs to remain wrong . But these days I’m witnessing a lot of people painting sexual assault and harassment with a very broad brush.
I was really taken aback by the #MeToo campaign that seeped its way through the Internet lately. The thought of people coming out to say that they had been somehow sexually assaulted and the rest of the world being in absolute awe of how many people there were. I was not surprised. Yes, Me Too. Me too, you too, everybody too, of course! Everyone has been wronged. At least I thought everyone ha d been wronged. For those who hadn’t I have to wonder how in the world they have made it so far through life without someone taking advantage of them or making them feel badly.
Again, they will tell you that it’s not right. And they’re right! It’s not right. A lot of things are not right. War is not right and killing innocent people in small villages is certainly not right. Sending a child on stage in 4th grade in front of hundreds of people to make a speech with which he embarrasses himself is not right. And finding some guy is making out with you when you’re black out drunk isn’t very right either. Making people slaves isn’t right. Rigging elections isn’t right. Not helping the homeless isn’t right. Going to work for the sake of doing something isn’t right. But where do we draw the line?
For me, I draw the line at the egregious. Because we all live our lives with bad things happening at every turn. It would be nice to not have to rate levels of badness, but how difficult will it be to fix everything at once? I’d rather they spend time talking about the celebrity who raped an underage person than the celebrity who just happened to be jacking off while he was talking to you on the phone. Which one of those would you rather fix first? I don’t care what you’re doing on the other end of the phone while we speak, but I do care if you’re a grown man schtupping a 13-year-old.
We’ve got to pick our battles or we’re just going to be running around in a state of panic. The submissive types thinking the dominants are out to get them. The dark side of the force always pushing the light side, or vice versa. Around and around into this maddening cacophony of despair and chaos. Where no one can fix anything because they’ve convinced themselves that it is all the same level of bad. As the populace slides off into a pit of despair, never to be heard from again.
To be continued. . . .
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Category: Transgender Opinion