breast forrms

Time For The Monday Edition!

| Jan 17, 2011
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The Kelly Osbourne look-a-like who stole her beau.

Happy Dr. Martin Luther King Day! The TGForum Monday Edition is on the air, or the Web in this case. Today we spring into the ring with the quick one two punch of News Editor Ronnie Rho’s The Week In Transgenderism. Ronnie has culled the herd of galloping news stories to single out and brand every story with anything to do with transgender issues. She’s got links to the hot stuff about Kelly Osbourne’s (now ex) boyfriend having an affair with a TS, why repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell doesn’t do much for TGs, the move by the Texas Legislature to prohibit gender identity discrimination, a TG coed who is only allowed to use one bathroom on campus, a few TWITS, and a whole lot more. Don’t miss your  TWIT!

The Bloodthirsty Vixen

A few weeks back, and then just last week, Amanda The Bloodthirsty Vixen was featured in TWIT. Intrigued by the idea of a professional wrestler who is TG, we have tracked  down Mariah Moreno, the woman behind The Vixen, and spoken with the world’s (as far as we know) first TG professional wrestler. We talked about everything from her finding out she was transgendered while still in kindergarten to what attracted her to professional wrestling (it’s the jumping on opponents from the top ropes) and her professional aspirations for the future. She’s just a sweet 27 year old woman with a sunny smile, a nice figure and the ability to get you in a choke hold in two seconds flat. Don’t miss our interview with Amanda The Bloodthirsty Vixen.

StormMiguel Flores

Miss Pamela DeGroff joins us today with her Perpetual Change music column. In this first Perpetual Change for 2011 Pamela interviews  StormMiguel Florez a “Mexican American FtM, genderqueer, singer songwriter/performance artist.” A singer whose musical influences include Johnny Cash, Tom Waites, Joan Armatrading and Depeche Mode, Florez is one of the new breed of gender changing artists making some noise in the music world. He talks with Pamela about his life, his influences and his upcoming CD release. Don’t miss the StormMiguel Florez interview in Perpetual Change.

Last month we brought you Part 1 of Crying For Ogre, a new TG fiction serial written by the multi-talented Sophie Lynne. In Part 1 male chauvinist frat rat Andrew “Ogre” Gruber decides to get rid of a girl friend who’s trying to get a bit too close. His brusque dismissal of the young lady after he has had his fun causes her to cry on the way home and her suffering attracts the attention of a being with the power to make Ogre understand what it’s like to be a girl, in a very real way. Soon Ogre starts to experience changes and soon the changes are going to be noticed. What’s happening to Ogre? Will his frat make him a little sister? Read Crying For Ogre, Part 2.

There’s all that and a bit more in this Monday Edition of TGForum. Don’t forget — after you’ve read it and commented on the article that moved you, be sure to tell your friends in the TG community that TGF is free!

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Category: TG Forum News


About the Author ()

Angela Gardner is a founding member of The Renaissance Transgender Assoc., Inc., former editor of its newsletter and magazine, Transgender Community News. She was the Diva of Dish for TGF in the late 1990s and Editor of LadyLike magazine until its untimely demise. She has appeared in film and television shows portraying TG characters, as well as representing Renaissance on numerous talk shows.

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