This Week in Transgenderism 8/18/08
Tyra invites a TG onto her reality TV show. Colin Farrell allegedly steals a copy of Tootsie from a video store. Civil rights battles continue in Maryland, Florida, and in a Dallas bar. Clarification from Democrats on their party platform. Another rising star is turning heads in the NYC music scene. And gender outlaws in UAE. All this in more inside this edition of TWIT Notes!
Everyone, it seems, is atwitter about the new season of America’s Next Top Model. And it’s largely because of the lovely lady to the left. Yup, she’s TG. A columnist at Entertainment Weekly is worried about the way Isis will be treated. And Fox News has already shown their true colors.
Fortunately, MyFoxColorado isn’t like their parent company. They have provided some information about a group that focuses on the spiritual side of transgenderism.
Last week, we told you about the Democrats’ platform for this election year, and how it omitted references to “gay”, “lesbian”, and “transgender“. Well, the Dallas Voice reports the Dems are being inclusive by not being specific.
An Oklahoma drag queen is happy to share her makeup tips with you. Find them at Spot.
The Guardian is reporting on the debate about “how young is too young” for HRT and SRS.
Thinking about writing your autobiography? Feministe has some thoughts for you.
LoHud is taking a stand against bullying in schools. More specifically, they’re in favor of anti-bullying legislation.
Not guilty. The London teen who was accused of strangling a TS is not free to go yet, though. The Press Association has details on the death of Kellie Telesford. Or if you prefer your journalism with a dash of tabloid, the Sun has more on the story.
A Mexican national came to the US because police in her home country were torturing her, because she’s TG. But, for some strange reason, even though she’s won asylum, she’s still in custody. KPBS has more.
The battle over a gender identity anti-discrimination law rolls on in Maryland. The Daily Record has the latest on a new court challenge to the referendum. And a guest columnist at the Gainesville Sun is blasting the people who worked to overturn an anti-discrimination ordinance in Florida.
Another fight continues in Dallas. The Voice has the latest on the bar that banned transgendered customers.
In Bristol, UK, they’ll be gathering soon to discuss public policy in the health care arena. Details on the confab at Medical News Today.
And in Columbus, Ohio, TransOhio has rescheduled their symposium after it was snowed out, in March.
You may have missed the talk in Chicago on faith and TG’s. Dr. Julie Nemecek was there, and the Windy City Times covered it.
The New York Press introduces us to performer Nomi. The reviewer was impressed. Can an interview with Pamela DeGroff be far behind?
And she’s not transgendered, but Dolly Parton may be a drag queen trapped in the body of a woman. PrideSource was at one of her recent concerts.
A drag queen has come out of retirement in the UK. And naturally, it’s a moving cause that motivated her. Details at This Is Total Essex.
In Malta, a gay rights group is trying to get a handle on discrimination against the GLBT population of that island nation. MaltaMedia has more.
London’s going to have a TG film festival. MyPinkNews has the details.
Our Hero of the Week: When life handed Jillian Weiss lemons, she made lemonade. Read her remarkable story at GayWired.
A judge in New York has upheld a rule prohibiting Medicaid funding for SRS and HRT. Gay City News has more.
The Irish Times reports on settlements for TG’s who were discriminated against.
And police in Hawaii say the murder of a transgendered gal was not a hate crime. But they don’t have a motive, either. The Star Bulletin has more.
Cops in Dubai have been cracking down on gender-bending. But, Arabian Business says not everyone is in favor of the sweeps.
Could you bump into someone famous at Blockbuster? If it’s Colin Farrell, check to see if he’s renting Priscilla: Queen of the Desert. Ted Casablanca explains.
Category: Transgender Community News