breast forrms

The Week In Transgenderism 6/4/12

| Jun 4, 2012
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The Winner

The former vocalist with the group Venus Flytrap, who ran for office in her home province in Thailand, has won the election. Yollada “Nok” Suanyot will be taking office as the Nan province’s top financial officer. Suanyot us suited for the job since she is not just a model, singer and voiceover talent but a successful business woman. Read about her win in The Advocate.

There’s a lot of angst in the TG world surrounding the bathroom. Many are fearful of going into a lady’s room  due to concerns over someone freaking out that a man in a dress is in that most private place. And then there’s the process of tucking that some in the community go through to get the most feminine looking groin. So what happens when a drag queen has left the club and really has to pee? Read what happened to Drag Race winner Sharon Needles when she really had to go. The basic lesson here is always go before you leave the club. The story is in LezGet Real.

Bond as Curtis.

Singer Justin Vivian Bond is onstage at La MaMa in New York City in a show celebrating the Warhol “superstar” Jackie Curtis. The show features songs, poems, and selections from plays and journals all written by Curtis. Read all about the show in a review in The New York Times.

Last week we told you about a transgender themed film that was competing in the Cannes Film Festival. This week we can tell you that the film, Laurence Anyways, has taken the third annual Queer Palm. Find out what a queer palm is in the article in On Top Magazine.

Arizona is a strange country. They have major problems with Latino people but it seems men who have given birth are welcome. Thomas Beattie, the world’s first pregnant man, has gotten sole legal custody of his children — which means that the state has recognized his marriage as a legal union. Read the story at


Jackie Green, Britain’s youngest TS to get surgery (at age 16) has not made it to the top in the Miss England pageant. She had made it to the final 12 but didn’t make it to the end. She has vowed to return next year. Read about it on

May 30 was a special day for transsexuals. It was Christine Jorgensen’s birthday. Jorgensen wasn’t the first transwoman to undergo reassignment surgery but she became the most famous TS of the 1950s. She passed away in 1989. Refresh yourself on her history in The Advocate.

The Service Employees international Union has passed a resolution to include transgender-inclusive health-care in all their contract negotiations. Kudos to to SEIU! Check out the story in Passport Magazine.

The world of hockey, even student hockey, doesn’t seem like it would be too accepting of transgendered players. If you thought that you would be wrong. At least in the case of The University of Connecticut’s men’s hockey team. The Huskies welcome GLBT players to join the team. As long as a FtM has had his testosterone treatments begun he’s welcome to try out for the team. Get the story in the New England Hockey Journal.

Two of Charlotte's resident queens.

Charlotte, North Carolina is known as The Queen City. It wasn’t because of its drag culture. La Cage Aux Folle playing in town recently caused the city’s media to focus on the history of drag in their town. Read about the legendary queens of Charlotte, Oleen’s drag club, how things changed in the disco era and what the local drag scene is like today. The article is in Creative Loafing.

Our Meet The Transgendered Teen this week comes from Tulsa, Oklahoma. Her name is Katie and she transistioned at the age of 15 and just celebrated her high school graduation with gender reassignment surgery. Some girls get a car. Read her story at

If you’re transgendered and you live in Washington, D.C. you can attend free legal clinics this month where lawyers will help you with name and gender changes on a variety of documents. The details are in The Washington Blade.

Detroit one-ups Washington, however. Not content with a series of legal clinics they have instituted a transgender name change project. They call it the Transgender Name Change Project. Get the skinny on TNCP in The Sentinel-Standard.

Rugby and drag? One would assume they don’t mix but apparently in Australia anything goes. Before a match between the Dubbo Rhinos and Parkes Boars a truck driove onto the field, comverted into a stage and drag queen cheerleaders launched into a routine. Get the facts in The Daily Liberal.

We like the music Brit singer Jessie J creates but we gotta say hey girl! This past week she was all over the news saying that she has abandoned her heavy makeup and severe straight cut bangs because she was afraid she was looking like a transvestite. Well, we did wonder if that was the case when we first saw her but it turned out not to be true. Just watch it J. There’s nothing wrong with looking like a transvestite. Get the story on Yahoo News UK.

If you want to find drag queens wearing more makeup than Jessie J pre-makeover then you must visit the new spot in Las Vegas that we told you was opening — Drink & Drag. It’s open now and it’s claims of having an all drag staff are not quite true. But the review in Las Vegas Weekly makes it seem like a lot of fun.

If anything will get alien drag queens to fire up their faster than light space ship drives and start flying through wormholes, hyperspace or whatever, it’s naming an event on this planet Queen of the Whole Universe. We’re sure there are some hot queens in Andromeda, or may even as close a Alpha Centauri, but unless they have those fast space ships they’re not going to be competing on July 21st in New Zealand. Sound like it could be a show. Take an airplane if you plan to go and get your tickets soon. The details are in New Zealand Yahoo News.



There’s a cat fight going on in Manilla. Not since Muhammed Ali and Joe Frazier duked it out in that city has there been a rumble like this. Xtina Superstar has gone head to head with Tina Herrera, the producer of Philippine Fashion Week. Xtina claims that Herrera has banned her from walking the runway. In fact the claim is that trans models have been banned from the PFW runways. If that’s the case there some TWITs in that town. Read the story and decide who gets the award in Philippine News on Yahoo.

Here’s a story that is loaded with TWITs. The TG is a TWIT, the neighbors are TWITs and it’s possible the cops were TWITs. Even the comments posted on the story are full of TWITs. First off, let’s say once again, don’t dress up in skimpy lingerie and go hang out by the school bus stop. That said, if you see a man dressed in lingerie it might be sufficient to say, hey buddy, get away from the bus stop. Was chasing him around and calling the cops really necessary? Read about al the TWITs on the site.

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Category: Transgender Community News


About the Author ()

Angela Gardner is a founding member of The Renaissance Transgender Assoc., Inc., former editor of its newsletter and magazine, Transgender Community News. She was the Diva of Dish for TGF in the late 1990s and Editor of LadyLike magazine until its untimely demise. She has appeared in film and television shows portraying TG characters, as well as representing Renaissance on numerous talk shows.

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  1. dina dina says:

    Let he who has not cruised the local fillin’ station in a thong cast the first stone.

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