The Occasional Woman: Stayin’ Alive

| Jul 6, 2020
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Your mask doesn’t have to be black.

Hello Readers! Let’s talk about some wardrobe, fashion and health concerns. What is the one thing that you can wear that goes with everything, is small, portable and washable, and can save your life? A silver-plated Derringer? An Uzi? No to both — they’re not washable! No, that Fashion Must is — A mask. Yes, dear friends, it’s that big ole Bone of Contention — a 4″ x 8″ piece of fabric, tied at the top of your head and under the chin, or with ear-loops. It weighs almost nothing! It’s washable! Many are very cute! And — it can Save Your Life, and the lives of others. Really. And hey — it is there to cover your mouth and nose, and keep Death Particles out of the faces, noses and lungs of other human beings. and to keep the DPs out of your face, nose and mouth.

Here’s another small detail about wearing a mask — it actually goes over your mouth and nose! Wearing a mask on your chin will only hide stubble, and let death droplets free on the world. Wearing a mask around your lower neck will be useful as a sunscreen for the area, but still lets you expel death from your respiratory system.

Another great fashion and health accessory is the Glove. Or two of them. In the 1920s to the mid-sixties, women didn’t leave the house without a nice pair of white gloves. Cotton, kid, wrist-length for day, halfway up the arm for a little more drama, elbow length for semi-formal events, and killer long ones for the opera, symphony and Royal Weddings! The glove had many uses and justifications — keeping your blood-red manicure shipshape, running a gloved finger across some poor slob’s indoor surfaces to rain down disapproval at the sight of dust, and hiding unseemly-looking hands.

Now, we have a golden opportunity to bring back this sartorial accessory — and keep germs and viruses at bay!  

Vintage gloves are varied and beautiful; they have pearls and lace, embroidery and appliqué. Unfortunately, many are really small — people used to be shorter, skinnier and their hands were tiny. But there are still nifty gloves out there. Try counters at places like Bloomingdales and Lord & Taylor, if both are even still open. . .I also just saw a site called Gloves by Ines — she makes gorgeous ladies gloves, inspired by vintage looks. They can really kick your look up a few notches, hide rough or ungainly hands, and help protect you from disease.

So, gloves and masks serve both your fashion sense, and your health. Even if you just keep some disposable masks and gloves around for shopping, MD visits, and other public events, you are helping to keep yourself and others alive and high-kicking. Coordinate your mask with your outfits! Keep a spare in the Bugatti! And always remember — nothing is more fashionable than Stayin’ Alive.

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Category: Transgender Body & Soul

The Occasional Woman

About the Author ()

I am a native Californian who has been based in the Philadelphia area since 1984. My first CD fashion creation was a gold lamé dress for the now esteemed editor of this publication. Since then I have made tons of fabulous frocks and other fashion apparel for the crossdressing and transgender community. Contact me for custom clothing or alterations via email: [email protected] Visit my Facebook page, @alterationsbylorraine

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