The Occasional Woman: Spring!
Well, well, well! Apparently, Spring has indeed Sprung! I’m starting to see buds coming up, flowers inching towards the light, and very pale people emerging from swathes of wool. Yippee! time for life to wrestle its way out of the cold of winter. Time to drag those coats to the dry-cleaners, and re-discover cardigans, colorful rainwear and jaunty jackets. Do get the heavy coats, velvet and suede professionally tidied up-or stains can set in, and the garments can be ruined. We love our winter wear, even if we are not so crazy about winter itself.
As you probably know, I am a huuuge fan of bright colors! I have a long, turquoise trench coat, with a spiffy marbled lining, and it makes me feel light as a feather AND just cute as hell when I wear it. Another favorite is a hot-pink short trench, which brings out the fun, summer girl in me. I swear, putting on bright clothes really can lift one’s spirits! And yeah, it’s not going to actually kill you to wear bold colors—but if you are a shy human, you can always sport a well-cut tan trench or raincoat, but why not equip it with a really captivating scarf?
Scarves and accessories can really be your little friend. A chunky bracelet in RED or PURPLE can zizz up a ho-hum beige jacket, or a lime or emerald scarf can add a whack of pizzazz to a navy piece of outerwear.
And a light jacket is really a great idea in these times of changing temperatures. While the daytime temps can soar into the 70s and 80s, when the sun plummets, so can the cold seep in quicker than you might think. That sumptuous cashmere scarf and matching glovies can really make a difference to your core temperature!
Makeup is often more understated in early spring; as many have been hiding their vulnerable skin with heavier foundation, it is now time to Lighten Up. I heartily recommend a salon facial. Or if one is less inclined to bare all in public, I must share one of my best skincare staples—a Mud Pack! My mom used to give both me and my brother mud packs to clean out the skin, give it PEP and refresh the countenance—she used a Queen Helene facial mask every couple of months. Queen Helene is an old, tried and true brand that has kept my skin looking swell for way too many years-and whatever you do, don’t forget to moisturize your newly-dewy skin.
New, springy skin, and a bright jacket—hello SPRING!
Category: Transgender Fashion