The Occasional Woman — Accentuate the Positive!
Yes, the topic of today’s rant, I mean, column, is encouraging alla you to show off the best you there is!
Some have an hourglass shape, while another person may have more of a “bag of hourglass sand” silhouette. But — everybody got their something — let’s find it and flaunt it.
One area in which the readers (and writers) of this forum excel is GAMS. You know, stems! Leggies! Angela G. has some outstanding pins, as does a certain Kristyn — long and shapely. And super-curvy, a la Sophie. And do these girls know how to present them? No long skirts here, or pantsuits. Maybe this is your area? If you are a leg championess, do showcase them; skirts don’t have to be micro-minis, but please show them knees. A pencil skirt with a saucy back-slit is semi-conservative, but still very fetching. And shorts! Especially well-fitting and maybe with a snazzy cuff — woo hoo!
Legs not your forte? How about a nice smooth back? (Obviously, hairless!) A draping top that’s low in back, or an eye-catching gown like we saw at the Met Gala will turn heads.
Waspy waist? Be stunning in tight-waisted, full skirted dresses.
I encourage you all to visit a three-sided mirror, dressed in your slaying best, and pick your best feature — then play it up. Light colors draw the eye, darker ones fade problem areas. If you own a larger than you’d like tummy, choose garments that downplay it, such as an empire-waist dress that is light on top, and darker and drapy on the bottom. Got big ole arms? Lean towards a loose, forgiving sleeve in a muted shade, to minimize the potential Hormel Effect.
DO YOU OWN A BIG TUSHIE? Fer gawd sakes, work it! You own some valuable real estate there, as we are presently living in Booty World. Conversely, if you sport a more Puritan badonkadonk, consider a pleated or somewhat full skirt.
As always, none of this is Divine Law — if you just don’t care what anybody else thinks, freak freely and give the rest of the world something to talk about.
Lorraine Anderson is the woman in charge at The Occasional Woman where they specialize in custom clothing, costumes, and alterations. Contact her via email.
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Category: Style, Transgender Fashion