breast forrms

The New Content Just Keeps on Coming

| Oct 3, 2011
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Angela Gardner

Another Monday and another day when we update the on going process we call Transgender Forum. We begin with our condensation of all the trans news of the world — The Week In Transgenderism. Our army of top-notch researchers has overloaded the Google and Bing search engines to dig out all the trans news from all of last week. We’ve assembled it for you here for your reading pleasure. Chaz Bono has the bees knees on Dancing With The Stars. A social club member in England helps his mates out by donning drag and running a Sunday bingo game. Iranian men like to go to Thailand for sex. A drag queen may be the first trans guest on The Wendy Williams Show. A mayor in Georgia shuts down a production of Rocky Horror. All that and a whole lot more is featured in TWIT. Don’t miss it!

Lexy Tranner — Weekend CD is with us today. Lexy is the vehicle that cartoonist Kyra Kelly drives out onto the freeways of TG life and parks directly on top of our foibles. Hey Kyra! You just crushed my foibles again. This month she uses Lexy to comment on how people can change. Check out Lexy Tranner — Weekend CD and get a chuckle.

Our Dina’s Diner columnist Dina Amberle is with us today with her commentary about the world in general and topics that somehow seem to have a connection to transgender issues. Since Andy Rooney has retired Dina Amberle is the only humorist you will need for commentary on the news of the day. This month she talks about a newscaster who has transvestite tendencies, trans kids on CNN, Kim Kardasian’s butt, and more. Don’t miss Dina’s Diner.

I’ve been crossdressing and going out in public since sometime back in the ’80s. Yes, I did have big hair. While I’ve been out in public in women’s clothes in New  York, Paris, London, and downtown Philadelphia I have on occasion suffered the indignity that we refer to as a “read.” To be read is to be made as a man in a dress and it can be a dreadful experience. To join in the spirit of the Dan Savage It Gets Better campaign for LBGT teens, an effort to let gay kids know that things may suck now but they will get better when you get older, I am telling novice CDs that yes, it gets better. The reads may not go away but you can stop worrying about them and have fun. To that end I’ve written a little essay I call How Did They Read Me? Let Me Count The Ways. I hope you find it amusing and useful.

Running TGForum takes a down to earth necessity that we like to call money. There are expenses involved in the weekly production of TGF and while the advertising you see as you look through the site brings in some of that money, more money doesn’t hurt. If you can make a small donation of even five dollars to help us continue to produce TGF every week please go to our Donation page and make your donation today. Thanks for all your support and if you have any ideas for things you’d like to see covered in TGForum don’t hesitate to contact me with your idea. Now go on and enjoy the new content!

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Category: TG Forum News


About the Author ()

Angela Gardner is a founding member of The Renaissance Transgender Assoc., Inc., former editor of its newsletter and magazine, Transgender Community News. She was the Diva of Dish for TGF in the late 1990s and Editor of LadyLike magazine until its untimely demise. She has appeared in film and television shows portraying TG characters, as well as representing Renaissance on numerous talk shows.

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