The Crossdresser’s Wife — Self Inflicted?
How do you live day in and out, year after year, decade after decade as a closeted crossdresser, or a transgender? Your minds must be consumed of being continuously ‘on guard,’ making sure your wife or significant other does not find out what you have CHOSEN to hide from her.
Though you did not choose to be any of the aforementioned, you choose to withhold crucial personal information that your partner had every right (perhaps legal rights too) to know about this gigantic life secret of yours.
After eight years of listening to crossdresser’s wives true life stories, now more and more crossdressers, transgenders and yes even transsexuals are contacting me from all over the world. Most are asking for advice on how to disclose to their significant others, after a lifetime of lies. After they tell me their individual stories, many times my heart breaks into pieces — knowing what they have had to go through in life. No doubt it was highly disturbing to know of the pain too many are suffering from staying in the lie.
You really do owe “IT” to your partner. It is like someone who knowingly has a sexual disease but chooses not to disclose to another sexual partner — but it is much worse.
Granted, many of your life experiences sound like a life of torture but that does not give you the right to very possibly make your wives have a life of torture, trying to deal with your crossdressing or you suddenly being transgender. Yes, having to divorce our CD or TG husbands that we once loved can feel so much like torture. Having our families ripped to shreds can also feel like torture. Living with your lie can also be a form of torture.
Is it true to say, much of your torture is self-inflicted because you did not disclose to your partners before marriage?
Unfortunately society knows so little about these life conditions and therefore often make horrible, ignorant assumptions about all crossdressers and transgenders.
Ignorance is not bliss. People need to be taught about this world of GLBT and CDs and how it impacts so many lives. Too many people are hurting. The power of change sits so much with so many of you. Can you look in the mirror and decide to make that change? Tell your wives/partners…perhaps you will find your true self, once you act like your true self.
Dee A Levy, MA
The Crossdresser’s Wife * Our Secret Lives
Category: Transgender Body & Soul, Transgender Opinion