Tag: trans ban

The Week In Trans 8/14/17

| Aug 14, 2017 | Reply

It’s time for The Week In Trans! Today we learn that 8-year-old drag queen Lactatia is a star. Gavin Grimm has dropped a portion of his case. A third grader is suing her charter school for discrimination. There’s a lot of news about President Trump’s trans military ban. The governor of Texas is obsessed with passing a bathroom bill. Danica Roem is profiled in Metro Weekly. There is a day camp for trans kids in California. Chelsea Manning appears in Vogue. A grocery store tries to kick out a trans woman customer. Drag Race is up for 7 Emmys. Much more news is waiting for you, along with several well deserved TWIT Awards in this edition of TWIT!

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The True Cost of The Trans Military Ban

| Aug 14, 2017 | Reply

Today our political correspondent Babs Casbar Siperstein looks at the actual cost of the ban on transgender soldiers in our military. President Trump tweeted the ban after consultation with several of his advisors who all argued against banning trans people from the military. He went ahead and issued a Twitter statement in three tweets. Part of the justification of the ban was the supposed high cost of providing medical care to trans soldiers. When Babs looked at the numbers they just don’t add up. Kicking trans soldiers out of the services will cost millions of dollars more than keeping them.

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