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Tag: seniors

Care For Our Elders

| May 21, 2018 | 1 Reply

Cate O’Malley has been a contributors to TGForum since 2014. Her posts have brought us useful information, entertaining notions, and some chuckles now and then. This will be Cate’s last post on TGForum (unless she is inspired and has internet access) as she takes off to hit the road and travel the land. Many thanks to Cate for her contributions. She ends them today with a post on the necessity of helping senior members of the LGBTQ community. It’s a good idea as we’ll all be there someday.

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Op-Ed: California’s “Bordello Law”

| Oct 9, 2017 | 1 Reply

Why do conservative news outlets always slam the transgender community? The Federalist routinely prints articles that portray trans people as mentally ill. They use “experts” like Paul McHugh to validate their screed against us. They, and other conservative news sites constantly take stories that describe gains for the trans community and spin them around to […]

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Peak Time

| Nov 15, 2016 | Reply

Our Correspondent from Thailand, Chriatine Burr, files an article with her feelings about why we are seeing more and more older trans people. We have seen a rise in the number of children who identify as trans but there are many older folks who are coming out. Christine puts it all together and offers some reasons why we are seeing this increase in elder trans people.

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