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Tag: Re-gender

The Week In Trans 3/12/18

| Mar 12, 2018 | Reply

Time again for our dive into the trans news of the world, The Week In Trans! Today we learn that a Vietnamese singer has won the Miss International Queen contest. Members of congress wanted to discuss trans rights with officials in the Trump administration. All those contacted declined. Caitlyn Jenner has come to the conclusion that Donald Trump is a major setback for trans people. The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals finds that firing someone for being trans is illegal. Changing your birth certificate in Idaho just got easier. An Indian web show has people swapping genders for a month. Britain’s Labour Party affirms its acceptance of trans women. An editorial asks why conservatives are so angry at trans people. There’s a petition calling on Mattel to make a Laverne Cox Barbie. A Fantastic Woman’s Oscar win has influenced pro-trans legislation in Chile. RuPaul takes heat for saying trans women shouldn’t compete on Drag Race. The only surgeon in New Zealand who did GRS retired in 2015. They just got a new one. There’s all that and a lot more, along with several TWIT Awards, waiting for you in TWIT!

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