Tag: Pride month

The Week In Trans 6/18/18

| Jun 18, 2018 | Reply

Time now for The Week In Trans! What do we learn today? Iceland’s Independence Day parade is led by a drag performer. Reggie Bullock will ride a float in the NYC Pride Parade to honor his late sister. The Pentagon neglected to send out a memo recognizing Pride Month. During Philadelphia’s Pride event a trans woman tried to burn a flag in protest putting people in danger. The Portland police have a trans captain. More legal blocks for the trans military ban. One little bit of DNA snipped and a mouse is born female. An Alaskan trans woman sues the state over her health coverage. Texas is still going on about men in the ladies’ room. Get to know your trans candidates before the November election. Muslims who are transgender in Thailand have a difficult time. More on the male ballet dancer who is dancing as one of the female dancers. There’s all that and more plus a plethora of TWIT Awards in this edition of TWIT!

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A Stonewall Riots Hero Passes

| Jun 2, 2014 | Reply

Stormé DeLarverie, an acknowledged hero of the Stonewall Riots and a pioneer LGBT activist, died on May 24, 2014. DeLaverie was 93 years old. She was called the “Rosa Parks” of the gay rights movement. DeLarverie was born in New Orleans on December 24, 1920, and is well known for having a role in the […]

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