breast forrms

Tag: opinions

Everybody is an Activist

| Aug 29, 2016 | 3 Replies

The advanced technology world makes everyone capable of expressing their opinion about any event anywhere in record time to millions of people. Twitter and Facebook, the “social media,” make everyone able to let the world know how you feel about everything, from which movies you think suck to your grief over the latest senseless murder atrocities. All you have to do is type it up and hit Post. Then you get that satisfying feeling of having done something that “matters.” The Artist D suggests that maybe your opinion doesn’t really matter the way you think it does. See if you agree.

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You Sir, Are a Urinal Cake

| May 4, 2015 | 1 Reply

The Artist D set out to share her thoughts on Bruce Jenner’s interview with Diane Sawyer but while ruminating on what to write she had to go to the restroom and the rest is history. A brand name on a urinal cake caused her to ponder how everything and everyone is now part of marketing. You aren’t you unless you are a brand. She asks if there isn’t something better than that.

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breast forrms