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Tag: Jinkx Monsson

The Week In Trans 1/15/18

| Jan 15, 2018 | Reply

What time is it? Time for The Week In Trans! Chelsea Manning wants to be the Democratic candidate for Maryland’s Senate seat. A Wisconsin school district has settled with a trans student who was denied the use of the boys’ room. The Supreme Court won’t hear a case against a Mississippi law allowing professionals to refuse services to LGBT people. Danica Roem is sworn in. The founder of two trans pageants is killed by her husband. Trans youth will have a float in the Sydney Mardi Gras parade. First trans prom queen in Britain is viciously trolled. Brit network ITV produces a documentary on trans people. People complain that Jinkx Monsoon took a role from cisgender females. Drag Race alum Adore Delano is sued. A newspaper editor is fired for Twitter comments about trans people. A trans woman appears on the cover of German Playboy. A South American store is busted for selling a “transgender doll.” Fifty makeup tips! Toyota uses drag queens in their ads on British TV. There’s all that and a ton more, along with a plethora of TWIT Awards!

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