Tag: homophobia

The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

| Dec 22, 2014 | Reply

In the 1960s scientists launched a quest to contact other intelligent life in the universe. (Some would say we have yet to discover intelligent life on Earth, but that’s another article entirely.) The scientists were hopeful that not only would extra-terrestrials be discovered but that we might communicate with them and one day meet them. To that end a binary code was created that contained information about us. In light of how humans can’t seem to get along with humans (Oh no Madge, it’s a man in a dress!) Graham Holmes has devised a more appropriate message for E.T.

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Be Brave

| Feb 13, 2012 | 3 Replies

This month The Artist D shares a recent experience at a department store that reminded her of something all transgendered people need while out shopping. It’s not the latest craze of fashion, it’s something that will never go out of style. She’s talking about bravery!

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