Tag: GCS

Countdown to Ecstasy

| Jan 20, 2020 | Reply

This is Lynda’s last blog for a while. She is taking a break to have her gender confirmation surgery done in just a few weeks. She will be taking bed rest and healing for several weeks after the surgery. (Anyone want to run errands for her while she’s recuperating?) Today she asks herself why she wants to have a vagina. Is she ready for a life-changing step that is this major? Are her reasons for going “all the way” sound? She addresses all that in this blog — and we throw in a few photos of her last social activity before she goes into the hospital.

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Closed for Remodeling

| Jan 21, 2019 | 1 Reply

Lynda Martini has been getting out and about a lot in the past several months. From Halloween parties to out of town visits, and going to a football game, Lynda likes to have fun. But another event is looming. One that she longs for but won’t necessarily be fun. In just a few days Lynda will be going into the hospital for her gender confirmation surgery. All the while she has been having fun she has also been preparing for surgery and recovery. And while she had things all planned out and the date set, there was a glitch.

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