Tag: Gavin Grimm

The Week In Trans 6/4/18

| Jun 4, 2018 | Reply

Get ready! it’s all the trans news you can use! We call it The Week In Trans. Today we learn that Japan’s businesses are beginning to hire trans people. Gavin Grimm’s case will continue. A young trans man in Dallas will hear his preferred name at his graduation. An intersex vet is hoping to get a gender neutral passport. An 8th grade gender fluid child wore the transgender flag as a cape when they hoped to ask Betsy DeVos a question. A trans woman immigrant died in custody. How young is too young to decide what gender you are? A man is transforming Barbie dolls into Drag Race contestants. The CDC will keep the optional LGBT question on a survey. Good news from Chile’s supreme court. Chelsea Manning appears to have contemplated suicide. All that and more is waiting for you in TWIT!

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The Week In Trans 5/21/18

| May 21, 2018 | Reply

The Week In Trans is here! What do we learn today? A trans woman is the first openly trans congressional candidate from Massachusetts. The trans in the military ban lawsuit continues. What exactly is “biological sex”? A trans man is graduating from a Christian high school in Mississippi. The CDC has cut back a program on trans health. There is a store dedicated to trans women in Bogota. A trans trio impressed the judges on Britain’s Got Talent. Acceptance of trans people is slipping in Europe. A cisgender actor and ballet dancer wins an award for playing a trans ballerina. Lawsuits, murders, and transitions are all in the news. Find out everything that’s going on in TWIT!

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The Week In Trans 9/18/17

| Sep 18, 2017 | Reply

The trans news from around the world is all here in The Week In Trans! Today we learn that RuPaul’s Drag Con drew a large number of young fans. Amendments to the Defense Authorization Act would slow the enacting of the trans military ban. Chelsea Manning was offered a visiting fellowship at Harvard till they said, “Oops. Our mistake.” Gavin Grimm is crowd funding his college expenses. Kid Rock does anti-trans raps at his shows. Danica Roem’s campaign agains “Bigot Bob” is heating up. LGBT kids had Camp Rainbow for summer fun. Eddie Izzard will run for parliament in the next general election. Britain’s ITV announces a show about a differently gendered child. Munroe Bergdorf has a new modeling gig. There’s all that and more plus a few TWIT Awards in this week’s TWIT!

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The Week In Trans 8/14/17

| Aug 14, 2017 | Reply

It’s time for The Week In Trans! Today we learn that 8-year-old drag queen Lactatia is a star. Gavin Grimm has dropped a portion of his case. A third grader is suing her charter school for discrimination. There’s a lot of news about President Trump’s trans military ban. The governor of Texas is obsessed with passing a bathroom bill. Danica Roem is profiled in Metro Weekly. There is a day camp for trans kids in California. Chelsea Manning appears in Vogue. A grocery store tries to kick out a trans woman customer. Drag Race is up for 7 Emmys. Much more news is waiting for you, along with several well deserved TWIT Awards in this edition of TWIT!

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The Week In Trans 8/7/17

| Aug 7, 2017 | Reply

It’s time for The Week In Trans! What transgender news has made headlines? A drag performer who asked to conduct a “drag queen story time”event gets death threats. A music distribution site gives its profits for a day to a trans law center. A clinic devoted to trans kids and teens opens in St. Louis. Gavin Grimm’s case is kicked back to a lower court. The Trump ban on trans in the military is causing reactions. Caitlyn Jenner was mad at him but then she was caught wearing a M.A.G.A. cap. A 10-year-old trans girl from New Jersey appeared on a British morning “chat show.” There won’t be a transgender emoji. More research is being conducted on a physical cause for trans identity. A boxer from California has become the first to compete as both male and female. There’s a lot more waiting for you in TWIT, including a raft of TWIT Awards! Don’t forget your TWIT!

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The Week In Trans 7/10/17

| Jul 10, 2017 | Reply

It’s The Week In Trans! Today we learn that there is a mini series featuring trans athletes. The speaker of the house in Texas opposes the “bathroom bill.” Gavin Grimm’s case will be heard in the fall. Bob the Drag Queen has a couple of movies coming out. Cali sets trans regulations. Aleshia Brevard has passed away. The Church of England is welcoming trans people. A male former cyclist champ is now a female sports commentator. Minor league hockey gets trans friendly. The synth player for LCD Sound System comes out as trans. A British Muslim of Arab descent is a fierce drag queen and filmmaker. Turkish police arrest trans activists who demonstrate pride. There’s all that and a lot more plus several TWIT Awards!

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The Week In Trans 4/17/17

| Apr 17, 2017 | Reply

What’s the best amalgamation of trans related news in the biz? It’s The Week In Trans! What do we learn today? A contestant on Survivor outed a trans contestant, hoping to win. He got kicked off the island for it. Lots of trans restroom lawsuits are being dismissed or dropped. Drag Queen Story Hour is catching on with the kiddies. A trans ballerina has passed her exam. Is there a “trans look” that would help the anti-trans potty police? Tasmania has rescinded its crossdressing law. A high school play with a trans theme wins a competition in Texas. Actress Rain Valdez will play a trans actress on the Lopez series. There’s all that and much more, plus a large number of TWIT Awards waiting for you in this week’s TWIT!

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The Week In Trans 3/13/17

| Mar 13, 2017 | Reply

From the four corners of the Earth and around the other hemisphere comes all the trans related news you can use! It’s The Week In Trans! Today we learn that although her TV show was canceled after two episodes Laverne Cox has a new show — playing a cis female role. All sorts of judicial activity is going on to preserve or destroy trans rights. Gavin Grimm’s case is sent back to a lower court. A political advisor in the U.K. is a drag queen at night. A differently gendered author has written a book to help trans college students cope. A trans woman in Minnesota has found a woman’s football team to accept her. Israel has made it easier to legally change gender. A trans woman runs for governor of Connecticut. There’s all that and much more along with a few well deserved TWIT Awards waiting for you in TWIT!

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The Week In Trans 3/6/17

| Mar 6, 2017 | Reply

Get the scoop on The Week In Trans! Today we learn that a modeling agency for trans people is prospering. Juliet Evancho has won the right to use her school’s girls’ room. The Gavin Grimm restroom case goes before the Supreme Court on March 28 and plenty of people are on his side. An Elle Fanning film in which she plays a trans man will be released in May. A Republican representative will reintroduce the Student Non-Discrimination Act since her son is trans. A ten-year-old trans girl delivers a message that points out the craziness of regulating where she can pee. More research on trans people, more stories about trans people. All that and a lot more, along with a few TWIT Awards is waiting for you in TWIT!

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The Week In Trans 2/27/17

| Feb 27, 2017 | Reply

It’s time for The Week In Trans! Today we learn that after only two episode CBS has canceled it courtroom drama Doubt. Gavin Grimm was misgendered by the complainants in his upcoming Supreme Court case. We examine a raft of stories about the Trump administration’s changes to trans student’s restroom rights. Caitlyn Jenner is upset with Donald Trump. So is Jackie Evancho. Trans helplines are seeing a marked increase in calls. A 17-year-old trans male has won a wrestling title in the girls’ division. There’s all that plus a lot more and several TWIT Awards waiting for you in TWIT!

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The Week In Trans 2/6/17

| Feb 6, 2017 | Reply

The Week in Trans is on the air! What do we learn today? A Nepalese trans model has made history in India. The Supreme Court is considering the Gavin Grimm case in March. Concerns that President Trump will overturn President Obama’s LGBT protections even when he said he won’t. Australian drag star Courtney Act does Australia 101 for American audiences. The new lineup of competitors on Drag Race is announced. The Boy Scouts open their doors to trans boys. A small town Texas mayor comes out as trans. San Francisco designates the first trans historic district. Hahnemann Hospital in Philadelphia will offer gender confirmation surgery. The Imperial Court of San Diego has their 45th coronation. There’s all that, plus a lot more, and a few TWIT Awards waiting for you in TWIT!

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The Week In Trans 10/31/16

| Oct 31, 2016 | Reply

It’s all the trans related news that’s fit to print! The Week In Trans is here and ready for your perusal. What do we learn today? Plastic surgery fan and singer Pete Burns has passed away. Gavin Grimm’s case is going to the Supreme Court. Controversy over taking the rights we can get or holding out for more. Kataluna Enriquez is the winner of the 2016 Trans Nation Pageant. A trans model is featured on the cover of Elle Brazil and another is on the cover of the Spiegel Catalog. Big turnout for the D.C. High Heel Race. 10 trans soldiers come out as trans. Bianca Del Rio creates a comedy special. Are you ready for Ed Wood the musical? All that and more is waiting for you in today’s TWIT!

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The Week In Trans 9/26/16

| Sep 26, 2016 | Reply

It’s the number one compilation of all the trans news we can find! It’s The Week In Trans! What do we learn this Monday? Jeffrey Tambor won an Emmy for Transparent and hopes he’s the last cis male to play a trans character. A new documentary looks at a marriage when the husband transitions. International pageant news from Spain and Thailand. Gavin Grimm’s case “might” not get taken up by the Supreme Court. An Ecuadorian trans couple are parents. A trans boy in Wisconsin is allowed into the proper facility. A NYC drag artiste transforms in Times Square. Tracey Norman is back in the modeling biz. New guidelines for trans people in shelters. Lots of info on the TV show Strut. There’s all that plus some more and a whole load of TWIT Awards! Don’t miss your TWIT!

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The Week In Trans — 9/5/16

| Sep 5, 2016 | Reply

What do we learn in this edition of The Week In Trans? Mexico is making progress on trans rights but it’s still a dangerous place to be trans. Mark Ruffalo is getting attacked for casting a cis male as a trans woman in a movie he is producing. Protests occur at Manchester Pride. A trans woman activist files a lawsuit against a school that expelled her for being trans. More restroom war news and an in-depth look at Gavin Grimm. Where to see a good drag show in London. A look at drag in 19th century London. A trans newspaper editor covers the trans restroom battle in his town. Lady Bunny says some semi shady drag queen stuff. A four-year-old in Australia is switching gender. There’s all that and more plus a few TWIT Awards in this edition of TWIT!

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The Week In Transgenderism 8/8/16

| Aug 8, 2016 | Reply

It’s The Week In Transgenderism! Talleen Abu Hanna will represent Israel in the Miss Star International pageant. 54-year-old drag performer Shana Nicole hopes to win a pageant in North Carolina. Darcelle is an 85 year old drag performer who does six shows a week. A research study confirms that social stigma is what makes trans people depressed. A YouTube personality who stood up for red head rights comes out as trans. Estrogen shots are in short supply. A trans pianist performs for The Mets’ LGBT Pride Night. Gavin Grimm is still not allowed in the boys’ room. A Drag Queen Story Hour for kids. Trans truckers are hauling freight. There’s all that and more, plus a load of TWIT Awards. Don’t forget to TWIT today!

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The Week In Transgenderism — 7/11/16

| Jul 11, 2016 | Reply

What’s been happening in the media? Andreja Pejic talks about her youth and transition. The Massachusetts governor signs the nondiscrimination bill. A lingerie company adds a trans model to its ad campaign. Lots of HB2 news and speculation. Congressional candidate Misty Snow talks about her policies. Could DES have made us trans? 20 fierce drag looks from June. The latest in the Gavin Grimm case. Canada is moving toward gender-neutral driver’s licenses. The Chi Phi frat will admit trans men. Is the Statue of Liberty a queen? Brits may be able to change their gender markers without proof of gender. Cuba has a burgeoning drag and trans scene. A bunch of TWIT Awards are handed out. All that and lot more is waiting for you in TWIT!

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The Week In Transgenderism 6/6/16

| Jun 6, 2016 | Reply

It’s time for all the trans news you need! Today we learn that Tinder, the dating app, is getting more friendly to trans people. The VA is moving to cover GRS. Conservative rabbis pass a trans-positive resolution. Painted for Filth has 20 hot queens from May. The Sisters of Mercy practice what they preach. The Simms 4 opens up gender restrictions. Jennifer Finney Boylan goes back to her old school. Meet Dr. Rachel Levine. Puerto Ricans can change gender on their I.D. Annie Thang is going to Harvard. Barbara Satin is appointed by the president. Lots of restroom related news and a host of TWIT Awards are just waiting for you in TWIT!

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The Week In Transgenderism 4/25/16

| Apr 25, 2016 | Reply

The Week In Transgenderism has condensed and is now ready for your viewing pleasure. Today we learn that many are praising the late Prince for his gender mixing. Donald Trump made a positive comment about trans people in the restroom, but then walked it back. Ted Cruz attacked Trump for his comment and denigrated trans people. There were, again, tons of restroom stories. Gavin Grimm has won the right to plead his case. Patrick Stewart attends an event in drag. David de Alba gets an award. Photos of John Waters and Divine in 1975. A trans male 16-year-old is escorted out of a Cruz rally. A 4-year-old in England knows she is a girl. Drag is big business down under. Many TWIT Awards are given. Stay in touch with trans news from around the world with TWIT!

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The Week In Transgenderism 11/2/15

| Nov 2, 2015 | Reply

Today in The Week In Transgenderism we learn many things. There’s another push for Carmen Carrera to strap on the angel wings. A trans woman has become Holland’s Next Top Model. GLAAD says trans characters are rising in streaming shows. Caitlyn Jenner is doing more outreach. The Spanish trans woman did not win Miss World Spain. Sylvia Rivera is being included in the National Portrait Gallery. There’s another TG cheerleader. Guys are getting super femme on Instagram. The Feds weigh in for Gavin Grimm. There’s film and TV news. Find out why Thailand is the gender-change capital. All that and more plus a lot of TWIT Awards is waiting for you right now in TWIT!

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The Week In Transgenderism 9/21/15

| Sep 21, 2015 | Reply

Live, from TGForum, it’s The Week In Transgenderism! Our weekly compilation of all the news featuring a hint of transgenderism. Today we get a review of I Am Cait. We can report that Jeffrey Tambor won an Emmy for his portrayal of a trans woman in Transparent. Another trans modeling agency has opened. Restroom wars! A drag queen loses the big prize on South African Idol. The New Girlfriend opens in theaters. We meet a couple of young trans fashion designers. A trans man is elected president of his frat. Lady Bunny passes the drag festival torch to Bushwig. The Pope will meet a trans man and a CD at The White House. Richard O’Brien was back in Rocky Horror last week. There’s all that and a few TWIT Awards waiting for you in TWIT!

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