Tag: diversity


| Sep 19, 2016 | Reply

If you look at the trans community as an outsider you see a vast range of gender identities. There are people who claim no gender and their are people who are gender-fluid, going back and forth between binary poles. Feminine one day and later that day butch as a pro wrestler. It can be confusing and Christine Burr thinks is contributes a bit to the negative reactions conservative, judgemental people have when they read about or meet people from across the gender spectrum. Will the conservative mind ever be able to appreciate the beauty of the trans spectrum?

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It’ll Be Awhile

| May 30, 2016 | Reply

Today Emyli Evyrling takes a look at just what it is that keeps humans from living together in harmony. That’s a big topic and while Emyli doesn’t have a solution to the problem of people making fear based decisions about how they will interact with others who are different she does think that it will be possible at some point in the future for humans to accept the diversity of life. It’s just going to take awhile.

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