Tag: decisions

Alone . . . such a lonely word

| Nov 28, 2016 | Reply

Amanda has been in northern California for two years. While there are many things she enjoys about the region there are many things that she doesn’t like. It’s expensive, crowed and it’s hard to connect with other people. On the other hand it’s close to gender reassignment surgeons. The weather is good for much of the year. But there aren’t enough hugs. Family and old friends are thousands of miles away. Oftentimes she wonders why she is still there. Holiday time makes it all worse.

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| Dec 28, 2015 | 2 Replies

Dickens Christmas tale has Sophie musing about the ghosts that all of us are haunted by. Some of those ghosts are good and some are bad but they all affected us as we traveled though our lives. Sophie points out that while these ghosts of people in our past, and in our present, can influence us and push us one way or another, in the end we make our decisions and are responsible for them.

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A Poem: Crossroads

| Mar 23, 2015 | Reply

Good morning my friends. Here is one of many poems I have written during the past three weeks. Although written prior to my arrival at the Keystone 2015 Conference, the words and meaning are apropos. Seeing good friends and sharing deep soul rending feelings in Nikki’s new look — the look Nikki has been seeking […]

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