Tag: Beasa Dukes

The Week In Transgenderism 2/29/16

| Feb 29, 2016 | Reply

And the winner is… The Week In Transgenderism! That ‘s right, it’s all the trans news we can pack into one column! Today we learn that Calpernia Addams is a multi-talented woman who advocates for trans rights. There is a trans group promoting Hillary Clinton. The Governor of Pennsylvania says Medicaid in his state should pay for GRS. There’s a transmasculine, bigender frat brother. Saskatoon changes its ID rules. A high school senior applies for a college scholarship with a drag transformation video. Washington state says men are not allowed in the women’s restroom because of their anti-discrimination law. A trans nominee for the Oscar for Best Song is snubbed by the Academy. There’s all that and a pile of TWIT Awards waiting for you in TWIT!

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