Summer’s Here? And The Time is Right..

| Apr 5, 2010
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monday_tgf…for the TGForum Monday Edition! And while it isn’t summer yet it sure feels that way here in the northeastern USA. Has anyone noticed that we seem to always get a shot of summer heat in the spring? It’s been happening for the past few years and I, personally, blame the global warming. Get that gigantic sun shield into space soon! We don’t need all those ultra violet rays giving us hideous skin disorders — like wrinkles.

But if you have to get summer temperatures in the spring the only thing to do is slather on the fake tan, shave those gams and get out there in your best summer frock or short, shorts. Do it fast cause next week we’ll be back down where we’re supposed to be this time of year.

And at this time of the week you know we have another hot Monday Edition to fill your monitor screen. We begin it as we normally do with News Editor Ronnie Rho’s This Week In Transgenderism. (Which as I sometimes point out, though no one here listens, is really Last Week In Transgenderism since it’s a round up of all the news featuring TGs that happened the week before. Of course LWIT is no where near as cool at TWIT in the acronym world so we’re stuck with TWIT.) This week Ronnie has found links to stories about how the next DSM could list crossdressing as a mental illness (say what?!), FtM rocker Lucas Silveira is in demand as a college speaker, reviews of the controversial film Ticked-Off Trannys with Knives, a ruling in the Wisconsin lawsuit brought by TG prisoners demanding state funded hormone treatment, Amanda Lepore in court (on jury duty!) and a whole lot more. Don’t miss TWIT!

Speaking of Ticked-Off Trannys with Knives, our TransActive columnist Christine Beatty has a word or two, at least a column full, of opinion on the film, the controversy surrounding the film and what she thinks about those who support the film as a legitimate expression of the transgender condition. Is she ticked-off? You might say that. Don’t miss TransActive: Ticked-Off Transsexual Women.

Rounding out our offering for this week is Linda Jensen with the first in a series on how she came to admire “admirers”. I admire them if they take me to fancy restaurants. Who wouldn’t? But Linda tells us how she met her first admirer and what he was like. If you’ve thought about responding to the advances of a man who knows that you are TG and likes it, then you won’t want to miss Linda’s How I Came To Admire Admirers.

I was expecting some comments on the video clip from that was featured in last Monday’s Monday Edition. I hope you saw it and had a good laugh. If you haven’t played it scroll on down to last week’s Edition and check it out. Enjoy!

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Category: TG Forum News


About the Author ()

Angela Gardner is a founding member of The Renaissance Transgender Assoc., Inc., former editor of its newsletter and magazine, Transgender Community News. She was the Diva of Dish for TGF in the late 1990s and Editor of LadyLike magazine until its untimely demise. She has appeared in film and television shows portraying TG characters, as well as representing Renaissance on numerous talk shows.

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