breast forrms

Say it with me, It’s Monday!

| Jun 21, 2010
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tgf_mondayMonday rolls around and just like clockwork there’s another edition of TGForum ready for your information and edification. We begin with the every popular and always delightful TWIT, the handiwork of our News Editor Ronnie Rho. Miss Rho digs out every little bit of TG news and packs it all into a tasty treat for Monday morning. This week she offers links to stories such as another child of the famous switching gender, more pride coverage, an Asian film star who shaved it all to play a TS, a 100 year old painting of a man in drag up for sale, discrimination, anti-discrimination and a whole lot more from The Week In Transgenderism.

Pamela DeGroff brings us the promised follow up interview with out TS rocker LezleeAnn Rios in her Transvocalizers column. Miss Rios had a musical career traveling around the country playing in clubs as the male rocker Les Rios. Les released three CDs and could have continued down the safe road, playing clubs as a guy and longing to be a woman full time. Unsure how the club owners who gave him his living would take it Les knew that he had to become Leslie full time and in 2006 Les disappeared from the club scene and Leslie began her transition. Fascinating stuff from our musical columnist. Don’t miss this week’s Transvocalizers.

Miss Kalina Isato rounds out our offering for this week with her Stochastic Musings column. She has a lot to say about passing, people who don’t dress their age, using the men’s room in gay clubs and using ladies rooms without being arrested. She talks of skin care, food, and confidence. It’s a packed passel of musings of the stochastic variety. And did we mention the pictures? Don’t miss Stochastic Musings this week.

And that dear readers is our Monday Edition for June 21, 2010. Enjoy!

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Category: TG Forum News


About the Author ()

Angela Gardner is a founding member of The Renaissance Transgender Assoc., Inc., former editor of its newsletter and magazine, Transgender Community News. She was the Diva of Dish for TGF in the late 1990s and Editor of LadyLike magazine until its untimely demise. She has appeared in film and television shows portraying TG characters, as well as representing Renaissance on numerous talk shows.

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breast forrms