breast forrms

Princesses of the Night — Lights, Camera and Virtuality

| Jun 15, 2020
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Since all this post apocalyptic experience began, my artistic life and many other’s has changed considerably, leaving aside the excitement of appearing for the public and their applause to that of the little hearts on your social networks where you perform live or do streams. The effusive commentary is changed by great words and stickers, thus showing a new worldwide trend in entertainment.

In my country, the entertainment industry suffers from a moment of uncertainty in many respects. Some artists opted for live shows or videos, while establishments are reinventing or simply cease to exist.

But even so, the cultural industry continues with its magic and the flame of creativity burning more than ever, exploring new forms of entertainment that were not widely contemplated before, such as having a transformative artist (drag performer) in a cooking show cooking recipes live, stories from the old days of transformational art, online karaokes, to name a few examples.

A great advantage that new technologies offer us is the possibility of connecting in a fast, economic and direct way with an audience through the Internet and social networks. Not to mention the ease of crossing borders and making presentations at events in other countries without leaving home and expanding your audience.

The Katherine

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En Español

Princesas de la Noche – Luces, Camara y Virtualidad

Desde que todo esta experiencia post apocalíptica empezó, la vida artística mía y de muchas más cambio considerablemente, dejando a un lado la eferbecencia del publico y sus aplausos al de corazoncitos en tus redes sociales donde haces en vivos o streamings. El comentario efusivo cambio por grandiosas palabras y stikers, mostrando así una nueva tendencia a nivel mundial en el entretenimiento.

En mi país, la industria del entretenimiento sufre un momento de incertidumbre en muchos aspectos. Algunos artistas optaron por los shows en vivo o videos, mientras los establecimientos se re inventan o sencillamente dejan de existir.

Pero aun así, la industria cultural continua con su magia y la llama de la creatividad mas encendida que nunca, explorando nuevas modalidades de entretenimiento que antes no eran muy contempladas como el tener una artista transformista en un show de recetas de cocina en vivo, relatos de la vieja época del arte transformista, karaokes online, por mencionar algunos ejemplos.

Una gran ventaja que nos ofrecen  las nuevas tecnologías es la posibilidad de conectarnos de una manera rápida, económica y directa con un publico a través de Internet y las redes sociales. Sin mencionar la facilidad de cruzar fronteras y hacer presentaciones en eventos de otros países sin salir de casa y ampliando tu público.

The Katherine

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Category: Transgender Fun & Entertainment


About the Author ()

Hi, I am Katherine. I have been Crossdresser for some time. I think crossdressing is a form of artistic expression, much more than just wearing women's clothes. It is the expression, exploration your feminine side in various fields as well as personal, social or labor. This led me to be part of several performance groups and participate in some events in my country. Visit my website!

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breast forrms