Pride 07
As I’m sure you already know, it’s Pride month across the United States, and is my custom, I was at both days of the Cincinnati Pride Festival. There was a huge turnout this year, both for the crowd in general andthe local, (and not so local), TG population.
We had two girls, one from Chicago, and one from North Dakota this year. In total, I think we had more than a dozen on hand for the parade and big festivities on Sunday. (Last year? We had 3.)
The World Famous Vicki D’Salle played a set after the parade, and the crowd loved it.
There was even an entry in the parade from the local support group, Crossport, along with a booth at the festival.
Something else new this year, protesters! They came Saturday night, told us we were going to hell, and were eventually cited by Cincinnati’s Finest for using a bullhorn without a demonstration permit.
So, with Pride ’07 done for this year in the Queen City, and me finally recovered from heat stroke, sunburn and general exhaustion, there’s nothing left to do except look through the photos, and wait until next year.
Category: All TGForum Posts, Transgender Community News