
| Oct 28, 2013
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“One of these things is not like the others, one of these thing just doesn’t belong, can you tell which thing is not like the others before I finish my song?”

Those of us parked in front of the television as children remember this song. Not young enough for that to be a childhood memory? Then try this: as the kiddies watched and listened entertaining them as we were about our chores, the haunting melody wafted through the house on the youthful voices of Sesame Street characters.

“Great, you’ve taken us back to our childhood or to early parenthood. Did I stumble into the wrong forum or was my browser corrupted by a sophomoric prank?”

Neither darlings, you are in the right place. The trip down (careful, don’t fall and hurt yourself) memory lane has a corollary. If you’ve seen my pictures from my first trip to the Moose Lounge you will understand. If you haven’t seen the pictures shame on you for missing the memories. Smile, I know you can take a little prompting in good spirits.

The Moose Lounge is a casual setting in the Greater Allentown area. “Didn’t Billy Joel write a song about Allentown?” Yes dear he did, but alas he was nowhere to be found on that evening. If he was, I’m sure he would have written a song about those unconventional girls that are such a turn on and so amazingly beautiful!

Nikki with the gals at The Moose

Nikki with the gals at The Moose

You have to know where to look to find the Moose. There are no ostentatious signs beckoning passersby. You could (I did) walk right past it twice!

So I join ten girlfriends for dinner at the brew house and then follow them to the Lounge. Everyone except yours truly is dressed casually. You know casual. That usually means jeans, slacks or capris, playfully feminine shirt, with a print or pattern, flats, low boots or sandals and low profile accessories.

Yours truly (that’s Nikki, not the ending to a letter, in case you’ve forgotten) is dressed in a very short blue skirt, blue blouse under a patterned blue, white and silver waist length jacket. Wait, that’s not all. I am prancing around in blue patent leather five-inch heels with a one-inch platform (yay, more foot trauma!). Nude pantyhose and flashy accessories including a mid-thigh length dress jacket with sparkling silver threads finished off the overdone look.

Getting the picture? (If not, refer to the one accompanying this article). Look at how relaxed the other three girls are. Yes they are also beautiful — a testament to the fact that the woman makes the clothes (as opposed to the clothes making the man — how droll!). Do I look out of place? Does a girl enter every shoe store she encounters?

I am a neon light in the middle of a moonless sky — a searchlight seeking a venue.

Fashion diva I aspire to be. I guess I should scope out the venue before choosing my costume. Right, and why drive when you can walk? I guess it’s an addiction. Help me out here. If I seem overdressed, try not to roll your eyes. Cup your hand gently under my elbow and take me aside. Talk to me in simple terms – you know about this blonde – and be kind. There’s hope, even for the hopeless!!!

  • Yum

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Category: Style, Transgender Body & Soul


About the Author ()

Active member of the unconventional girl community; I love to write -- check out my Facebook page! I am usually out and about on weekends with girlfriends and almost regularly once a week on a weeknight.

Comments (4)

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  1. carmennoel carmennoel says:


    I love your look & find that when I have gone out with GG friends, I am often slightly over dressed. My take is, if you would have been in a formal and the rest of the gals are in jeans & nice tops then your overdressed. You dressed on the dressier side of casual and you look like you fit in well with the group. All of you look great! Thanks for a fun article!


    Carmen Noel

  2. tasidevil tasidevil says:

    Hi Nikki,

    You look lovely and I certainly agree with what Linda had to say. You might want to read what Lisa talked about as a guest columnist on Sister House about fitting-in http://www.sisterhouse.net/dressingroom/. Can’t talk about the Allentown area, but here in Merida, many of the under 40 women wear stilettos everywhere…with jeans, slacks, skirts and dresses. What I noticed was that your clothes seemed to fit well, not too tight, not baggy and minis can certainly be casual. I think you pulled it off well. I do a lot of writing on fashion, including here on TG Forum, and it’s OK to stand out if you do it in a classy way

  3. NikkiNicole NikkiNicole says:

    Thank you Linda for your valuable and informative feedback. I try to put much effort into dressing with a critical eye to fit and presentation. As for compliments, there are never enough but I was not writing in search of compliments. Having said that, I will accept yours graciously and with humility.
    I am a novelist by hobby in my “drab” life with two books published and 6 manuscripts completed. This blog represents what I hope is lightheartedness and tongue-in-cheek self-deprecation.
    Thank you for stopping my the Forum and also for taking the time to pass along your thoughts.
    Hugs, Nikki

  4. Linda Jensen Linda Jensen says:

    You must be just fishing for compliments Nikki because you are all drop dead gorgeous.
    Rather than being overdressed I think you have it more right than the girls on each end. As pretty as they are they illustrate something many of us often overlook. The proportions of a T-girls legs to torso are just simply different than a gg’s. For instance my wife and I are the same height up to our hips. However from the hips up I’m about 6 inches taller than her. Tall girls will have long legs, shorter torsos; men longer torsos than legs.
    Your blouse and skirt nicely hide where your waist actually is. Modern slacks like the low risers and hip huggers even more accentuate the proportion differences. The girl in the foreground would look even more passable if her belt were about where your hand is on her waist or her blouse were hanging out to cover the belt. Do you see what I mean?
    As for me I not only go for high waistlines I like princess and empire waist fashions where the waistline is just under the bust and the dress hangs relatively loosely around the waist.
    My opinion is that T-girls should totally avoid tucking their blouse in their slacks or skirt unless it is generously ‘bloused’ out and the waist is at least just under the rib cage.