breast forrms

Out & About — Hamburger Mary’s in Orlando

| Feb 11, 2013
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Throughout the month, I tried to get girls to RSVP for the event so we could have an accurate head count for the event but that proved to be wasted time. I had to change our reservation several times and was afraid the manager wasn’t going to allow us to come with 50 girls. Thankfully, because of John the GM and his great staff we were able to have our event there.

I had never been to Hamburger Mary’s Orlando and was really looking forward to this event. We met at the bar around 6:15 in order to secure a place for 50 girls, which ended up being perfect to view the show. Kurt and Juan were our very friendly bartenders who took excellent care of us and made us feel welcome. The girls socialized and ate around the bar until the show began at 7:30ish.


Leigh Shannon

The show has been featuring Leigh Shannon and her review for some time and was quite fun and entertaining. The whole experience at Hamburger Mary’s was good, friendly staff and management as well as an outstanding show, warm atmosphere and good food really made it a worthwhile trip to downtown Orlando.

After the show, the showgirls came over and took a ton of pix with us which the group just loved. It was still early, around 10:30ish, when everything was done at Mary’s so we decided to head over to Parliament House for some more festivities.

So, when traveling to Orlando definitely consider Hamburger Mary’s. There are different events each night of the week, so check their website first and be prepared to walk a little from the parking garage to Mary’s. They block off the streets in that area on busier nights for pedestrian traffic. Check out what my girlfriends had to say about Hamburger Mary’s and to see more pix on our Meetup page.  I’d love to meet you if you’re traveling to Florida.


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Category: Transgender Fun & Entertainment


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breast forrms