Orlando V. A. LGBT Pride Month Celebration

| Jun 24, 2013
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VA LGBT Celebration, Orlando

VA LGBT Celebration, Orlando

Recently, members of the Phi Epsilon Mu chapter of Tri-ESS were invited to participate in the LGBT Pride Month Celebration held on the campus of the Orlando, Florida, VA Facility. In it’s third year, this was the first time the event had representation from the transgender community. Representing Phi Ep were Lynn Sattin, Darlene Furness, Ginger Griffin, Cynthia Sprague, and Carolyn C.  Also in attendance was Jennifer Marvin, organizer of the recent Transpire Event held in Orlando.

The Celebration was small, but significant in that it represents a defined outreach to our LGBT veterans. The organizer, Keri Griffin-Edenfield, started it after realizing there was a segment of the veterans population that wasn’t being adequately served.   She reached out to the LGBT community and received significant representation of those serving its population.

Tri-Ess members Cyndie, Darlene, Lynn, Jennifer and Ginger

Tri-Ess members Cyndie, Darlene, Lynn, Jennifer and Ginger

While Phi Ep is a group focused on the needs of those identifying primarily as crossdressers, we also have the contacts for resources serving all transgender citizens. We felt our role in attending would be to assist any transgender veterans in finding the contacts and services that met their own specific needs. In my view, the Celebration was well attended and though only 1 ½ hours long, served to connect support services, professionals, and organizations with the VA and the veterans it serves. Most importantly, it makes a significant statement that attitudes within the VA are changing and the entire LGBT population not only exists, but is important and deserves the same care provided to other veterans of our nation’s Armed Forces.

Our congratulations go to Keri and the entire Orlando VA team for realizing we exist and taking a positive, proactive approach to our unique situations and needs. Phi Epsilon Mu certainly will be represented at these Pride Month Celebrations as long as they’re held.

Photos from the event courtesy Carolyn C.
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About the Author ()

Lifetime CD, recently retired engineering manager, happily married to a wonderfully supportive wife. Enjoy being a community volunteer, antique autos, historical preservation, traveling, dogs. I'm current president of Phi Epsilon Mu chapter of Tri-ESS in Orlando, FL, working with a team of amazing ladies.

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