New Year’s Resolution: I Will Dress Better!
Well, Howdy to all the readers of the lovely Transgender Forum! As we ring in the New Year, I want to thank you for reading my column–I do love writing it, and helping you lovely ladies to look (and feel) your best! Slainte! Now as you know, many people are in the habit of making, then giving up on, New Year’s Resolutions. You know, eat less, exercise more, read less trash, be kinder to animals. . .you get the idea. Let me help you with one aspect of resolutions–I WILL DRESS BETTER! Shall we get started?
First, every well–dressed lady has one thing that really is a necessity–a Full Length Mirror! How else are you going to know how you really look, without being able to see what you look like!? The mirror can tell you if your lining is hanging funny, if there’s a big ole chunk of mud on your hem, and if panty-line is showing. Seriously, a nice tall mirror can save you from many fashion disasters.
Second–let’s use that mirror to Work on our POSTURE! Shoulders back, don’t let them roll forward, hiding your upper regions–it just looks like you don’t love yourself. Next, suck in the tum tum–much more comfy than a girdle. And roll your pelvis under, as this stabilizes your nice strong line. Stand tall–be proud of yourself!
Third. Get rid of clothes that are A: unflatteringly tight B: unflatteringly LOOSE! You ain’t hiding nuthin. C: A wrong color–not everybody can wear olive green for example, or orange–even yellow can be tricky. D: Uncomfortable clothes! An itchy tag on the back of your neck can ruin a great evening. And E: clothing that is tired, or ratty, even favorites—wear ’em around the house, but not OUT. Lastly, Shoes. AAAH, shoesies–we love them! And, we must strive to keep them looking good–clean and shiny, well–fitting AND footwear in which you can walk comfortably–NOT tight, pinchy sky–high heels UNLESS you have practiced walking (or gliding) in them until you can move without clomping, falling over or whining in pain.
I look forward to writing for you–all in the future–and hope you have a very Happy New Year!
Category: crossdressing, Transgender Fashion