New Content on The March
One of the major disadvantages of doing a weekly publication like TGForum is that every publication day that passes seems like the sand in the hourglass, in the days of our lives. Seriously, you stop to check the date and find that most of the year is gone. October 17 already? Every Monday we get the new content together and publish it for our loyal readers and that tends to keep us distracted, thinking of the Monday coming up. It’s amazing to ponder the Mondays that have gone by. (If you want to you can navigate back in time on TGF and revisit the past Monday content updates. They’re all there.) Having to get the new content online every Monday is a regular event and each one marks our inexorable march into the future. Come, let us set our heels upon the path. It’s that time, again.
We begin our march to the future with our weekly look at the recent past. It’s a little thing we call The Week In Transgenderism. Last week a lot was going on in the TG world. People received honors and awards. Washington, D.C. proudly promoted it’s job training program for TGs. A queen from India was picked to be the first Indian in a pageant in Thailand but she needs a sponsor to get there. An empress is in retirement in Palm Springs, and another queen has thrown her tiara into a political campaign in Rhode Island. All of these interesting people are there for you to read about in this edition of TWIT.
Last week we brought you an entry from the blog of a parent of a TG teen. In keeping with that theme, Dallas Denny joins us this week with some information for parents of TG children. Dallas is quick to point out that she is not a parent and so has no first hand knowledge of how to raise any sort of child, but, she was a transgender child and knows a few things about psychology. If you need help raising your TG child, or just determining if the kid is indeed transgendered, don’t miss Dallas’s Some Words on Parenting.
Linda Jensen joins us today. She was recently hanging out in a TG chat room and the subject of passing came up. I’m flattered that the discussion was started by people who had read the piece I included a while back on the many different ways I have been “read” over the past couple of decades. The chat turned to passing in general and whether any of us are passing when we’re mingling with the general population. In response Linda sent the chat room girls an article she wrote for TGF around fifteen years ago. She has dusted it off and presents it again today for the rest of us. The title says it all; Can We Be “Read” and Pass at The Same Time?
The National Center for Transgender Equality has announced that one staff member has left and two new folks have come on board. We have that news for you today along with the items mentioned above. Now march on into today’s content and enjoy! And don’t forget, donations to support TGForum are always welcome. Click the donate button anytime you feel the urge.
Category: TG Forum News