breast forrms

My favorite fantasy…

| Mar 29, 2006
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rho21.jpgDoes it involve frills?  Satin?  Hormones?  A domanatrix?  Magic?  Aliens?On the surface, it seems to be an fairly harmless question.  But over the BBS section, it caught my eye.  An unregistered guest entered it early this month.  A pretty decent response.  22 people answered, ranging from going to a prom, to being a cheerleader, to being raised as a girl, to magically waking up and living happily ever after.

Someone started listing fantasies like having a job, and not being insulted in public.  And not having “cross-dressers, fetishists and gynaphylics” marginalizing my status as a woman. 

Insulting?  Nope.  Not in the least.  I fully understand how some people are fed up with some sections of the cross dressing community.  TS’s are annoyed because it’s all a game for us.  And if there’s the slightest bit of a problem, we throw everything in the closet, and maintain an air of normalcy.  Transsexuals don’t have that option. 

Genetic women don’t get many cross dressers either.  Why?  Because their view of what is feminine and what women are really like is skewed.  (That’s why you hear so many in the community say “My wife doesn’t understand me.”  Of course she doesn’t!  You’re not thinking or acting like a real woman.)

Let’s face it: crossdressers and transsexuals probably have less shared ground than they have in common.  Cross dressing is an escape, and transsexuality is a journey.  But, we had better give up the internal sniping, because it’s not helping any of us.

  • Yum

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Category: All TGForum Posts


About the Author ()

Ronnie Rho has been writing for Transgender Forum since May of 1999. One of these days, she'll get it right. She's been described as the "world's most famous recluse," but only by people who don't know her very well. She is unmarried, and lives in Cincinnati.

Comments (6)

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  1. Trisha says:

    Looking for someone to write to as I progress through my transitioning, looking forward to going to ThiaLAND I 18 MONTHS

  2. Sallee says:

    I don’t understand cross dressing but I like it and have fun with it and have no desire to step into the transexual area. It is all very strange. I have long since stopped trying to understandit and decided just to have fun with it. Which can be hard. I am sure it is a fetish but I don’t think I lean toward that heavy fetish wear that we often see in the ads. It is all very strange, but I don’t understand stamp collecting either However some do like it Hopefull y they are not as obsessed with stamps as I can be with womens clothing. I think we need to look at it like a hobby but it is a hobby that no one is going to understand and if we don’t pass well people will stop and stare.. Thats life Most folks will stare at a one legged midgit but like us if the midgeit stares back and asks why the starer will turn away…Sallee

  3. Regina says:

    Ronnie I think that you are right on in your observations about our community. One group on yahoo that i belong one of the moderators insists on calling me personally something other than what i am. Why she insists doing that is her problem! We must no matter what try to build each other up and defend ourselves! I am a transexual and have to understand the crossdresser and all the other varients! What i dislike is that when someone Robs a bank or does something Bad the headlines read ” Transexual did it” No matter if the person used it for a desgiuse

  4. Cassie says:

    My only problem with your astute comments, Ronnie, is that they suggest a dichotomy that is too distinct, too definitive. They, for example, insufficiently recognizes the great variety among us, among we crossdressers, too. Generally, it seems to me, that there are so many points on our vast tg-plane that it is conceivable that no two of us, no two tg’s (from the most sad, rushed panty-wearing masturbator all the way to the most long-successful stealth ts-woman), no two are on exactly the same point on that plane … and no one of us is totally emancipated from it. We are all, all of us, in our unique place on that vast same plane. Ask not, one “class,” who you judge when you judge another “class;” you judge yourself.

  5. says:

    Oh Yeah. your mother wears army boots….grinnnnnn

breast forrms